Council Chambers, Brantford City Hall
58 Dalhousie Street, Brantford

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2022 Paralympic Athlete and Medalist 

  • WHEREAS The Brantford Sports Council is an organization that promotes the development and delivery of youth sports in our community, advocates for local sport organizations, promotes sports tourism and is a community partnership dedicated to the betterment of sport in Brantford; and

    WHEREAS The Brantford Sports Council proudly supports some 18 youth sport organizations that provides quality sport experiences to the children of Brantford and area; and WHEREAS Thousands of children are registered annually in a variety of youth sport programming in the City of Brantford each year; and

    WHEREAS the youth sport organizations are supported by community residents who volunteer countless hours of their time in support of youth sport in our City; and

    WHEREAS the sport community in the City of Brantford remains positive, vibrant and excited about the future of sport beyond the pandemic; and all groups with the support of community partners are focused on Return to Play in 2023; and

    WHEREAS The Brantford Sports Council is enthusiastically engaging and celebrating youth sport in our community; and engaging the athletes, coaches, families and community stakeholders with a variety of community engagement opportunities to participate in and showcase their organizations; and

    WHEREAS in recognition of this week, a number of members from the sport community will join Mayor Kevin Davis at Harmony Square on Saturday March 11th at 9:30am as he raises the flag to announce the Annual Sports Awards and Recognition Program to promote youth sport in Brantford; and to acknowledge and honour the many volunteers and community stakeholders that support the sport programming offered in our community;

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the City of Brantford hereby PROCLAIMS the week of March 11 to 18, 2023 as “Youth Sport Appreciation Week” in the City of Brantford. 

  • WHEREAS climate change is the biggest environmental threat to our planet and the City of Brantford declared a Climate Emergency in 2019; and

    WHEREAS Earth Hour is an initiative organized by the World Wildlife Fund that began in Sydney, Australia in 2007 and has grown into a global event that is observed by more than 192 countries and over 1.3 billion people worldwide; and

    WHEREAS Earth Hour encourages individuals, businesses, and governments around the world to turn off all non-essential lights for one hour on Saturday, March 25th, 2023 from 8:30pm to 9:30pm local time; and

    WHEREAS the goal of Earth Hour is to demonstrate that individual action on a mass scale can help positively impact our planet by raising awareness and sparking global conversations on protecting nature, tackling the climate crisis, and working together to shape a brighter future for us all; and

    WHEREAS Earth Hour can educate the community on the threat of climate change and what each individual and business can do to make a difference every day; and to get as many individuals, households, and businesses as possible to turn off their lights as a symbolic statement that now is the time to take action on climate change; and

    WHEREAS the residents of Brantford can unite with the rest of the world for our home and spend 60 minutes doing something positive for our planet whether it’s by picking up trash at a park, cooking dinner with sustainable ingredients, planting a tree, or getting together for an Earth Hour event with friends and family, all Brantford residents can join the Biggest Hour For Earth;

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT The Council of the Corporation of the City of Brantford hereby PROCLAIMS the hour between 8:30pm and 9:30pm local time on Saturday, March 25th, 2023 to be Earth Hour in the City of Brantford, and encourages all City of Brantford residents to participate in this global initiative to demonstrate their commitment to finding solutions to climate change by turning off all non-essential lighting during this time period. 

    1. THAT Staff Report 2023-170, Southwest Community Centre Project – Update to Letter of Intent, BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT City Staff BE AUTHORIZED to sign an update letter to the original letter of intent jointly with the Library to the Grand Erie District School Board to indicate changes required and to confirm the intent to continue to pursue a shared facility in the southwest.
  • WHEREAS the “Dropkicks for Devin” event will be taking place in the City of Brantford on Saturday, May 6, 2023, at the Boys and Girls Club, 2 Edge Street Brantford; and

    WHEREAS the event will be advertised to the public and is being held in an effort to raise funds for a Brantford family; and

    WHEREAS the event is designed to provide entertainment for the community in the City of Brantford; and

    WHEREAS the event organizer has applied for a Special Occasion Permit-Public through the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO); and

    WHEREAS a request was received by the City of Brantford to support an application for the purposes of obtaining a Special Occasion Permit – Public for the event; and

    WHEREAS a Special Occasion Permit-Public requires the event be deemed municipally significant;

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Brantford DECLARE “Dropkicks for Devin” as a Municipally Significant Event in order for the organizer to obtain a liquor licence through the AGCO.

  • WHEREAS The City of Brantford’s 2018 Parks and Recreation Master Plan recommends the development of additional splash pads in City parks, both smaller neighbourhood/community facilities within short walking distances for neighbourhoods with many young children and larger drive-to destination facilities in larger multi-use parks; and

    WHEREAS splash pads can provide relief for residents during the summer season and specifically when there are heat warnings; and

    WHEREAS splash pads are located at 70 Anderson Road, Bridle Path Park, Harmony Square, Mohawk Park, and Tutela Park noting that not all Wards currently have splash pads;

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT staff investigate appropriate and accessible locations for neighbourhood Splash Pads in all Wards and REPORT BACK in Q2 2023 on potential locations that can be added to the 2024 Capital Budget.

  • WHEREAS on February 7th, 2023 the City of Brantford Council  approved Report 2023-58 Term Sheet for OHL Team Agreement for Brantford Civic Centre; and

    WHEREAS the Term Sheet between the City of Brantford and The Bulldogs Hockey Club states that the City of Brantford is to consider throughout the term a future development of a new sports and entertainment facility capable of seating 5,000 spectators for Hockey Games and capable of being a home arena for an O.H.L. franchise; and

    WHEREAS there has been tremendous positive community support to host an O.H.L. team through the sale of nearly 2,400 season memberships for the Brantford Bulldogs;


    1. THAT Staff BE DIRECTED to develop a plan that includes a recommended location, cost estimates including capital and operating, a financing plan, and delivery timelines of a new sports and entertainment facility for the City of Brantford and REPORT BACK no later than December 31st 2023; and
    2. THAT Staff BE DIRECTED to engage and retain appropriate professional services, including external sport facility consultant(s), to create the plan referenced in Clause A and to fund these costs, estimated to be $200,000, from the Casino Legacy Reserve RF0555.   
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