Brantford City Hall, 58 Dalhousie Street

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  • THAT the Clerk’s Report on Communication for February 2022 BE RECEIVED.

    1. THAT report 2022-151, titled CAO COVID-19 Emergency Update 02.22.22 BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT the staff BE DIRECTED to administer a capacity limit of Council Chambers that reflects the Provincial regulations or Fire Code regulations, whichever is the presiding legislation impacting the attendance regulations of the space.
    1. THAT Report 2022-155 entitled Streamlining Development Approval Fund BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT Clerk BE DIRECTED to place the Ontario Transfer Payment Agreement for the receipt of funds to streamline the development approval process for the City of Brantford on a Council signing by-law for execution by the Mayor and Clerk.
  • WHEREAS the Ashgrove Avenue corridor is heavily travelled; and

    WHEREAS the road width is extremely narrow; and

    WHEREAS sightlines are restricted due to on-street parking; and

    WHEREAS school children use the corridor to travel back and forth to Cedarland School; and

    WHEREAS school times are very congested; and

    WHEREAS an accident on February 1, 2022 has injured two children and further demonstrated the need for changes to improve safety;


    1. THAT all-way stop control BE BY-LAWED at the intersection of Ashgrove Avenue and Waxwing Way; and
    2. THAT temporary stop signs BE INSTALLED immediately; and
    3. THAT a neighbourhood meeting BE ARRANGED by staff to hear suggestions and then devise a plan to implement further safety measures; and
    4. THAT any necessary by-laws BE PRESENTED to City Council for adoption.
  • WHEREAS sections 9, 10, 11, and 151 of the Municipal Act, 2001 permits municipalities to provide for a system of licences with respect to businesses and further permits municipalities to impose conditions as a requirement of obtaining, continuing to hold, or receiving a business licence; and

    WHEREAS The Corporation of the City of Brantford (the “City”) licenses certain businesses pursuant to Chapter 326 of the City of Brantford Municipal Code; and

    WHEREAS Salvage Yards in the City are licensed under Chapter 326 of the City of Brantford Municipal Code; and

    WHEREAS Brantford Police Service have reported that the theft of salvaged goods is an ongoing issue in the City of Brantford; and

    WHEREAS addiction and mental health challenges may be a contributing factor to theft or other crimes within our community; and

    WHEREAS the City of Brantford makes a significant investment in social services, including income support, homelessness, and housing programs in addition to providing streamlined referrals to other community services; and

    WHEREAS one of the common motivators of this crime is the ease in which the stolen product can be sold to salvage yards for quick cash; and

    WHEREAS salvage yards are licensed by the City of Brantford and must adhere to a number of regulations which includes maintaining a digitized registry; and

    WHEREAS despite efforts to regulate Salvage Yards through Chapter 326 of the City of Brantford Municipal Code, crime continues to be an issue in our community; and

    WHEREAS the City of Brantford deems it to be in the public interest, having regard for both public health and safety and nuisance control to reduce crime in relation to scrap metal;


    1. THAT Staff BE DIRECTED to collect feedback from community partners and other relevant stakeholders including the Brantford Police Service, Neighbourhood Associations and Brantford Chamber of Commerce and to engage the public through a Let’s Talk Brantford campaign that investigates expanding salvage yard licensing to include those whom sell scrap; and
    2. THAT Staff BE DIRECTED to investigate expanding Salvage Yard Licensing and REPORT BACK to Council with potential amendments to Chapter 326 of the City of Brantford Municipal Code to license the seller of goods at Salvage Yards.
  • WHEREAS many municipalities across Ontario, including The Corporation of the City of Brantford have experienced significant increases in the cost of insurance; and

    WHEREAS a significant driver of insurance costs for Municipalities across Ontario is joint and several liability, a legal concept which allows a claimant to recover financial compensation from a party in excess of that parties proportionate legal responsibility for an injury; and

    WHEREAS in 2018 Premier Ford committed to reviewing the issue of joint and several liability; and

    WHEREAS that review was conducted in 2019 with participation from various interested parties including the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO); and

    WHEREAS the results of the Provincial review have not been released to the public and the Provincial Government has not taken any meaningful action to help reduce insurance costs for Municipalities across Ontario, including but not limited to, eliminating joint and several liability; and

    WHEREAS to help advance the policy conversation and advocate for the elimination of joint and several liability in Ontario, AMO submitted a position paper to the Provincial Government in 2019 titled “Towards a Reasonable Balance – Addressing Growing Municipal Liability and Insurance Costs;” and

    WHEREAS the AMO position paper included seven (7) straightforward recommendations to help reduce constantly increasing insurance costs for Municipalities:

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of The Corporation of the City of Brantford;

    1. Supports the seven (7) recommendations contained in the AMO position paper titled “Towards a Reasonable Balance – Addressing Growing Municipal Liability and Insurance Costs”. Those recommendations being:
      1. The provincial government adopt a model of full proportionate liability to replace joint and several liability.
      2. Implement enhancements to the existing limitations period including the continued applicability of the existing 10-day rule on slip and fall cases given recent judicial interpretations, and whether a 1-year limitation period may be beneficial.
      3. Implement a cap for economic loss awards.
      4. Increase the catastrophic impairment default benefit limit to $2 million and increase the third-party liability coverage to $2 million in government regulated automobile insurance plans.
      5. Assess and implement additional measures which would support lower premiums or alternatives to the provision of insurance services by other entities such as non-profit insurance reciprocals.
      6. Compel the insurance industry to supply all necessary financial evidence including premiums, claims, and deductible limit changes which support its, and municipal arguments as to the fiscal impact of joint and several liability.
      7. Establish a provincial and municipal working group to consider the above and put forward recommendations to the Attorney General.
    2. Respectfully requests that the Provincial Government release the results of its review of joint and several liability conducted in 2019;
    3. That a copy of this Resolution be delivered to the Honourable Doug Downey at [email protected], the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Honourable Steve Clark at [email protected] and the current AMO President, Jamie McGarvey at [email protected]


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