Brantford Heritage Committee


Brantford City Hall, 58 Dalhousie Street

Present: Beverly Garner, Adam Lang, Tamara Cupoli, Councillor Sullivan, Councillor Samwell, Gregory Wilson, William Darfler, Sandra Micucci, Pat Duern, Leisah Marie Jansen, Dan Brown.

Regrets: Nicholas Wildey.

Vice-Chair L. Jansen called the meeting to order.

Member D. Brown declared a conflict of pecuniary interest on item 4.4—Designation of 53 Charlotte Street under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act as he owns the property.

Member L. Jansen declared a conflict of pecuniary interest on item 4.3—Proposed Alteration to 34 Myrtleville Drive, due to her role as a board member of the Brant Historical Society, which operates The Myrtleville House Museum.

Member P. Duern declared a conflict of pecuniary interest on item 4.3—Proposed Alteration to 34 Myrtleville Drive, because she is also a board member of the Brant Historical Society, which operates The Myrtleville House Museum.

There were no presentations or delegations.

Gagan Batra, Manager of Business Support and Sustainability; Jennifer Elliott, Director of Engineering Services; and Meredith Stewart, Heritage Cultural Specialist from ASI Heritage, appeared before the Committee and provided an overview of the application. Staff answered questions from the Committee

  • Moved by B. Garner
    Seconded by P. Duern

    1. THAT Report 2024-676, titled “Heritage Impact Assessment for the Downtown Streetscaping Project”, BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT the following comments of the Brantford Heritage Committee BE FORWARDED to Staff:
      1. The Brantford Heritage Committee recommends the inclusion of a moccasin identifier for the archaeological site south of Colborne Street; and
      2. The Brantford Heritage Committee recommends the inclusion of heritage plaques for buildings identified in the Downtown Streetscaping Project; and
      3. The Brantford Heritage Committee notes that loss of heritage attributes after changes to the building at 48 Dalhousie Street show the need for heritage protection in these areas.

Dan Kraszewski, from DJK Land Use Planning, appeared before the Committee, provided an overview of the application, and answered questions from the Committee.

  • Moved by G. Wilson
    Seconded by Councillor Sullivan

    1. THAT Report 2024-719, titled “Heritage Impact Assessment for 97 Wellington Street / 81 George Street”, BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT the following comments regarding the Heritage Impact Assessment for 97 Wellington Street / 81 George Street BE FORWARDED to Staff:
      1. The Brantford Heritage Committee recommends that the new window opening in the building match the style of the existing openings; and
      2. The Brantford Heritage Committee recommends the inclusion of an image to illustrate the original church, given that the project is within a heritage district.

    Member T. Cupoli assumed the role of Chair as Vice-Chair L. Jansen declared a conflict of pecuniary interest.

Colin MacKenzie, a representative of the National Trust for Canada, appeared before the Committee and provided an overview of the application.

Miranda appeared before the Committee and provided an overview of the application. A PowerPoint Presentation was made, and a copy was placed in the meeting folder.

  • Moved by D. Brown
    Seconded by Councillor Sullivan

    1. THAT Report 2024-712, titled “Proposed Alteration to 34 Myrtleville Drive, a Property Designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act – Application HA-14-24”, BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT the request to alter the designated property at 34 Myrtleville Drive in accordance with the details described in Heritage Permit Application HA-14-24 BE APPROVED.
  • Amendment

    Moved by N. Etherington
    Seconded by Councillor Samwell

    THAT the following clause BE ADDED:

    THAT the following comments regarding the Proposed Alteration to 34 Myrtleville Drive, BE FORWARDED to staff and the applicant:

      1. The Brantford Heritage Committee recommends that the Owner submit an additional Heritage Permit Application to stabilize and/or rehabilitate the damage to the foundation, as shown in Figure 3 of Report 2024-712; and
      2. The Brantford Heritage Committee recommends that the owner of the owner investigate the best chimney cap option, either a breathable or solid cap, to prevent condensation and the ingress of water.
  • Vote on the main motion, as amended.


    Vice-Chair L. Jansen assumed the role of Chair and member D. Brown left the room due to a declared pecuniary interest in item 4.4 Designation of 53 Charlotte Street under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act.

Patrick Vusir, Intermediate Planner, appeared before the Committee and provided an overview of the designation. Staff answered various questions from the Committee.

  • Moved by T. Cupoli
    Seconded by Councillor Samwell

    1. THAT Report 2024-468, titled “Designation of 53 Charlotte Street under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act”, BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT the following comments of the Brantford Heritage Committee BE INCLUDED in Staff’s future report to Committee of the Whole – Planning and Administration:
      1. The Brantford Heritage Committee thanks the property owner for their initiative in seeking designation for the property and for the work they have done on it.
      2. The Brantford Heritage Committee recommends conducting research and including information about the individual or family who lived on the property.

Patrick Vusir, Intermediate Planner, appeared before the Committee, provided opening remarks, and answered questions from the Committee.

  • Moved by D. Brown
    Seconded by T. Cupoli

    1. THAT Report 2024-710, titled “Nominations for Recognition on Prominence Point and the Appointment of Committee Members to the Prominence Point Subcommittee”, BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT the following Brantford Heritage Committee members BE APPOINTED to the Prominence Point Subcommittee for a term of 1-year:
      1. Councillor Samwell
      2. N. Etherington
      3. T. Cupoli
      4. D. Brown
      5. S. Micucci
    3. THAT all nomination submissions respecting the recognition of individuals on Prominence Point BE REFERRED to the Prominence Point Subcommittee for review and recommendation.

Patrick Vusir, Intermediate Planner, appeared before the Committee and provided an update on the additional goals for the Heritage Committee in 2025. Staff answered questions from the Committee.

  • Moved by B. Garner
    Seconded by N. Etherington

    1. THAT Report 2024-722, titled “Additional 2025 Brantford Heritage Committee Priorities”, BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT with respect to Priority 5 in Appendix A to Report 2024-722, the following neighbourhoods be shortlisted for research:
      1. Waterloo Court
      2. Lansdowne Park Estate
      3. Victory Housing and Eagle Place Areas

Patrick Vusir, Intermediate Planner, appeared before the Committee and provided an overview of the consultation. A PowerPoint Presentation was made, and a copy was placed in the meeting folder. Staff answered various questions from the Committee.

  • Moved by N. Etherington
    Seconded by P. Duern

    1. THAT Report 2024-196, titled “Review of Heritage Procedures and Delegated Authority” BE RECEIVED; and,
    2. THAT the following comments of the Brantford Heritage Committee BE FORWARDED to staff:
      1. The Brantford Heritage Committee encourages the creation of a process for salvaging materials from major renovations or demolition projects, to reduce environmental impacts and minimize landfill waste.
      2. The Brantford Heritage Committee suggests establishing clear thresholds between major and minor repairs or projects while considering the types of materials or supplies used in these projects.
      3. The Brantford Heritage Committee requests that proposed changes be reviewed and presented to the Committee for evaluation in three (3) years to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed changes.
      4. The Brantford Heritage Committee requests that guidelines and lists of materials from the Canadian Association of Heritage Professionals be considered when preparing the proposed by-law amendment.


  • Moved by T. Cupoli
    Seconded by P. Duern

    THAT the Brantford Heritage Committee meeting minutes from November 25, 2024, BE APPROVED.


There were no resolutions.

There were no notices of motion.

The meeting adjourned at 8:29 p.m.