The Chair read the following statement:
"There is one Public Meeting on today’s agenda. The Public Meetings are held in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act. The purpose of the hearing is to discuss the planning application and to hear from the public either in support or against the application. At the end of each of the public meeting, the Committee will pass a recommendation which is generally considered for a final decision at the next meeting of Council.
The name of anyone who speaks in regards to any item will appear within the meeting minutes. Anyone wishing notice of any further proceedings regarding the application should also provide their name and address to the Clerk’s office. We ask that members of the public in attendance today to speak to an item, please ensure that you add your contact information to the sign-in sheet located at the delegates table.
The Applicant will speak first, followed by Municipal Staff and then the Public. Each will have up to 10 minutes to speak, inclusive of questions from the Committee. The Applicant will then have up to 5 minutes to provide clarification to any questions or issues raised during the meeting."