Brantford City Hall, 58 Dalhousie Street

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    1. THAT Report 2024-676, titled “Heritage Impact Assessment for the Downtown Streetscaping Project”, BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT the following comments of the Brantford Heritage Committee BE FORWARDED to Staff:
      1. __________; and
      2. __________; and
      3. __________.
    1. THAT Report 2024-719, titled “Heritage Impact Assessment for 97 Wellington Street / 81 George Street”, BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT the following comments regarding the Heritage Impact Assessment for 97 Wellington Street / 81 George Street BE FORWARDED to Staff:
      1. __________; and
      2. __________; and
      3. __________.
    1. THAT Report 2024-712, titled “Proposed Alteration to 34 Myrtleville Drive, a Property Designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act – Application HA-14-24”, BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT the request to alter the designated property at 34 Myrtleville Drive in accordance with the details described in Heritage Permit Application HA-14-24 BE APPROVED.
    1. THAT Report 2024-468, titled “Designation of 53 Charlotte Street under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act”, BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT the following comments of the Brantford Heritage Committee BE INCLUDED in Staff’s future report to Committee of the Whole – Planning and Administration:
      1. __________; and
      2. __________; and
      3. __________.
    1. THAT Report 2024-710, titled “Nominations for Recognition on Prominence Point and the Appointment of Committee Members to the Prominence Point Subcommittee”, BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT the following Brantford Heritage Committee members BE APPOINTED to the Prominence Point Subcommittee for a term of 1-year:
      1. __________; and
      2. __________; and
      3. __________; and
      4. __________; and
      5. __________; and
    3. THAT all nomination submissions respecting the recognition of individuals on Prominence Point BE REFERRED to the Prominence Point Subcommittee for review and recommendation.
    1. THAT Report 2024-722, titled “Additional 2025 Brantford Heritage Committee Priorities”, BE RECEIVED.
    2. THAT with respect to Priority 5 in Appendix A to Report 2024-722, the following neighbourhoods be shortlisted for research:
      1. __________; and
      2. __________; and
      3. __________; and
    3. THAT with respect to Priority 5 in Appendix A to Report 2024-722, the following Brantford Heritage Committee members be appointed to a research subcommittee:
      1. __________; and
      2. __________; and
      3. __________.
    1. THAT Report 2024-196, titled “Review of Heritage Procedures and Delegated Authority” BE RECEIVED; and,
    2. THAT the following comments of the Brantford Heritage Committee BE FORWARDED to Staff:
      1. __________; and
      2. __________; and
      3. __________.