Council Chambers, Brantford City Hall
58 Dalhousie Street, Brantford
  • Mayor Davis
  • Councillor Sicoli
  • Councillor Sullivan
  • Councillor Caputo
  • Councillor Sless
  • Councillor Martin
  • Councillor McCreary
  • Councillor Carpenter
  • Councillor Samwell
  • Councillor Van Tilborg
  • Councillor Hunt

Mayor Davis called the meeting to order and the National Anthem was played.

Mayor Davis read the invocation.

The City Clerk confirmed that a roll call was taken.

No declaration of pecuniary interest was made regarding items appearing on the agenda.

  • Moved byCouncillor Sless
    Seconded byCouncillor Caputo

    THAT all Items contained within the Committee Reports (Items 12.1 to 12.5) not separated for discussion purposes BE APPROVED.

    Recorded vote on all items not separated for discussion purposes:

    Yes (10)Councillor Sless, Councillor Carpenter, Councillor McCreary, Mayor Davis, Councillor Van Tilborg, Councillor Martin, Councillor Sicoli, Councillor Sullivan, Councillor Caputo, and Councillor Samwell
    Carried (10 to 0)

    The following items were subject to the vote and carried accordingly:

Committee Reports

    1. THAT Report 2024-323 titled “Automated Speed Enforcement” BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT Council AUTHORIZE staff to enter into an agreement with Jenoptik Smart Mobility Solutions, LLC, for the installation and operation of five (5) Automated Speed Enforcement Cameras; and
    3. THAT Council AUTHORIZE staff to enter into an agreement with the City of Brampton Joint Processing Center, for the processing of all automated enforcement processing under the administrative penalty system; and
    4. THAT Council APPROVE the current staff compliment be increased by a total of 2 FTEs, to assist in the operations, administration and processing of violations, funded through a new operations account for Automated Speed Enforcement; and
    5. THAT the necessary By-law to amend By-law 70-2010, Being a Bylaw to adopt various policies of the City of Brantford and to create a Corporate Policy Manual by repealing and replacing Finance Policy 002 – Budget Items Balanced by Reserve and Reserve Funds BE PRESENTED to City Council for adoption; and
    6. THAT the Commissioner of Public Works and the Purchasing Officer BE AUTHORIZED to execute agreements with Jenoptik Smart Mobility Solutions, LLC and the City of Brampton for the installation, operation and processing of Automated Speed Enforcement; and
    7. THAT funding in the amount of up to $50,000, be provided from the Road Safety Initiatives reserve (RF0575), for a consultant to be retained to identify and rank Community Safety Zones and Automates Speed Enforcement priority locations by City Ward, BE APPROVED.
    1. THAT report no. 2024-324 regarding Red Light Camera Program Update BE RECEIVED;
    2. THAT four (4) additional Red Light Camera locations BE APPROVED for installation in 2025; and
    3. THAT the necessary By-law to amend By-law 70-2020, Being a Bylaw to adopt various policies of the City of Brantford and to create a Corporate Policy Manual by repealing and replacing Finance Policy 002 – Budget Items Balanced by Reserves and Reserve Funds BE PRESENTED to City Council for adoption.
    1. THAT Report No: 2024-310 titled “Engineering Services Policies Update” BE RECEIVED; AND
    2. THAT the necessary By-law BE PRESENTED to City Council for adoption to AMEND By-law 70-2010, being a By-law to adopt various policies of the City of Brantford and to create a Corporate Policy Manual, by:
      1. AMENDING Public Works Corporate Policy-004 - Oversizing Costs of Sewers; and
      2. AMENDING Public Works Corporate Policy-020 – Wastewater Allocation; and
      3. REPEALING Public Works Corporate Policy-005 – Media Vending Boxes.
    1. THAT Report #2024-569 titled “Indoor Sport Facility” BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT staff BE DIRECTED to include funding for the Indoor Sport Facility in the capital budget starting in 2025 to be funded from Grants and Third Party Contributions; and
    3. THAT staff BE DIRECTED to continue engaging the sport associations and broader community regarding the needs for an Indoor Sport Facility; and
    4. THAT Council APPROVE the vacant greenspace adjacent to Earl Haig Family Fun Park to be the site for the Indoor Sport Facility.
  • THAT Report 2024-553 titled “September 2024 Real Estate and Facilities Report [Financial Impact: None], 2024-553” BE RECEIVED.

  • THAT Report 2024-574, respecting the new Provincial Planning Statement (PPS), 2024: Update and Impacts to Brantford, BE RECEIVED.

    1. THAT Report 2024-439 titled “Proposal to Rename Morton Avenue to Morton Avenue West” BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT the proposal to rename “Morton Avenue” to Morton Avenue West” between West Street and North Park Street BE APPROVED; and
    3. THAT Staff BE DIRECTED to bring forward for Council approval the necessary by-law required to implement the street name change; and
    4. THAT the costs associated with the street name changes BE FUNDED from the Council Priorities Reserve (RF0558) to an upset limit of $1,000 for Morton Avenue and $4,500 for Longboat Run.
    1. THAT Staff Report 2024 – 615 titled, “City Bylaw Housekeeping Amendments”, BE RECEVED; and
    2. THAT the Property Standards Officers/Peace Officers Appointment Bylaw being Chapter 132 of the City of Brantford Municipal Code be amended to include “Bylaw and Security Department” and “Director of Bylaw and Security” and repeal and replace “Manager of Property Standards and Bylaws” with “Supervisor of Bylaw Compliance” and to remove reference to the Building Department under Article 1; and
    3. THAT the Animals Bylaw being Chapter 206 of the City of Brantford Municipal Code be amended to repeal and replace the definition of “Animal Control Officer” to include Municipal Law Enforcement Officers, include a definition of “Property” and “Order”, include provisions for authority for entry onto land, inspection and obstruction and any necessary numbering and grammatical changes; and
    4. THAT the Fences Bylaw being Chapter 438 of the City of Brantford Municipal Code be amended to repeal and replace all provisions containing “Chief Building Official” with “Director”, include a definition of “Director” and “Officer”, include provisions for authority for entry onto land, inspection and obstruction and any necessary numbering and grammatical changes; and
    5. THAT the Noise Control Bylaw being Chapter 554 of the City of Brantford Municipal Code be amended to repeal and replace “Chief Building Official” with “Director”, include definitions of “Officer”, “Person” and “Property, include provisions for authority for entry onto land, inspection and obstruction and any necessary numbering and grammatical changes; and
    6. THAT the Lot Maintenance and Waste Bylaw being Chapter 492 of the City of Brantford Municipal Code be amended to repeal all provisions containing “Chief Building Official” and replace with “Director”, include a definition of “Director” and any necessary numbering and grammatical changes; and
    7. THAT the Signs Bylaw being Chapter 478 of the City of Brantford Municipal Code be amended to repeal and replace the definition of “Chief Building Official” to include authority to assign a designate for the purposes of administration of the by-law, include a definition of “Officer”, repeal and replace the provision for entry onto land to include Officers and any necessary numbering and grammatical changes; and
    8. THAT the Swimming Pools Bylaw being Chapter 437 of the City of Brantford Municipal Code be amended to replace the definition of “Inspector” to include Municipal Law Enforcement Officers; and
    9. THAT Bylaw No. 4-2016 (Vacant Buildings Registry) be amended to repeal and replace the definition of “Building Department” with “Bylaw and Security Department”; and
    10. THAT the Fire Prevention Bylaw being Chapter 533 of the City of Brantford Municipal Code be amended to repeal and replace the title with “Unsafe Building Bylaw”, the definition of “Property Standards Officer”, include a definition of “Person”, include provisions for entry onto land, inspection and obstruction and any necessary numbering and grammatical changes; and
    11. THAT the Property Standards Bylaw being Chapter 465 of the City of Brantford Municipal Code be amended to repeal and replace the definition of Chief Building Official with Director of Bylaw & Security, and delete the definition of “Inspector”.
  • THAT the necessary By-law to REPEAL Corporate-016 Employee Computer Purchase Plan Policy BE PRESENTED to Council for adoption.

    1. THAT Staff Report, titled “Expansion of Community Involvement Framework Update – City-wide Engagement Campaign [Financial Impact: $10,000] BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT the cost of the Community Involvement Framework - Engagement Campaign BE FUNDED through the Council Priorities Reserve (RF0558) in the amount of $10,000; and
    3. THAT Staff BE DIRECTED to develop and implement the Community Involvement Framework Engagement Campaign; and
    4. THAT Staff BE DIRECTED to REPORT BACK to the Task Force with findings of the Engagement Campaign in February 2025; and
    5. THAT staff BE DIRECTED to REPORT BACK to the Public Consultation Task Force in Q4 of 2024 with an overview of who and how the research panel was selected and how the panel plans to complete their selection process, criteria used, complement of residents, etc.
    6. THAT three public hearings (daytime, evening and weekend) in three different locations throughout the city BE ADDED to the public engagement campaign that will inform the updated Community Involvement Framework; and
    7. THAT staff BE DIRECTED to investigate professional research companies and provide an option for Committee to consider; and
    8. THAT staff BE DIRECTED to circulate the questionnaire and survey to the Public Consultation Task Force prior to the next meeting for feedback and comment.
    1. THAT Report 2024-443 titled Committee Review Update BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT the following policies as outlined in Report 2024-443 BE AMENDED:
      1. CORPORATE-028 - Appointments Policy; and
      2. CORPORATE-019 - Wall of Recognition Policy; and
    3. THAT Finance Committee Meetings BE SCHEDULED quarterly beginning in 2025 and THAT Chapter 15 BE AMENDED to reflect the mandate revisions outlined in Report 2024-443; and
    4. THAT Schedule 11 of Chapter 26 BE AMENDED as outlined in Report 2024-443 regarding The Environmental and Sustainability Policy Advisory Committee; and
    5. THAT, if after reaching out to the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario (ACO) and the organization is unable to recommend another member for appointment to the Heritage Committee, Staff BE DIRECTED to bring forward a By-law to REMOVE the ACO Liaison Position from the Heritage Committee Composition; and
    6. THAT the necessary By-laws to AMEND Corporate Policy-028, Corporate Policy-019, Municipal Code Chapter 15 and Municipal Code Chapter 26 BE PRESENTED to City Council for adoption; and
    7. THAT staff BE DIRECTED to REPORT BACK to Committee of the Whole – Planning and Administration with recommendations for implementation of an Appeals Committee in Q2 of 2025; and
    8. THAT the Committee Review Task Force BE DISBANDED having met its mandate.
    1. THAT Staff Report 2024-573 titled, “Major Sports Team Liaison Committee Update” BE RECEIVED; and

    2. THAT staff BE DIRECTED to proceed with the Recommended Next Steps further outlined in Section 5.1.1 and 5.1.2 of Report 2024-573, including:

      1. To identify the capacity of the City’s current major sports team facilities, capturing the requirements and constraints of attracting prospective major sports leagues; and
      2. That staff report on private sports facilities, the capacity and interest in accommodating prospective major sports teams in the City of Brantford; and
      3. That staff prepare an investment attraction strategy to best position the City of Brantford to attract major sports teams to the City.
    1. THAT Report 2024-609 titled Paramedic Services Draft 2025 Budget BE RECEIVED; and

    2. THAT Council approve option #1 as the response to the County of Brant; and

    3. THAT should the final County Approved Budget include the following items, the City’s eligible share of the costs BE FUNDED from the Development Charges-Land Ambulance Reserve Fund (RF0412):

      1. 100% of an expansionary vehicle for an additional Staffed Ambulance effective July 1, 2025;
      2. 50% of a Paramedic Services Optimum Response Model;
      3. 60% of the annual lease costs for a New Station; and

    4. THAT the remainder of the Paramedic Services Optimum Response Model project BE FUNDED from the Corporate Contingency Reserve (RF0554); and

    5. THAT the City Clerk BE DIRECTED to provide the County Clerk a copy of City Council’s final resolution regarding this report prior to November 1, 2024.
    1. THAT Report 2024-587 2025 Property Tax Policy BE RECEIVED, and;
    2. THAT no commercial or industrial optional property classes BE ADOPTED; and
    3. THAT no graduated tax rates BE ADOPTED for the commercial or industrial property classes; and
    4. THAT no phase-in of property taxes BE ADOPTED; and
    5. THAT no relief from hardship be adopted for the residential, farmland or managed forest property classes; and
    6. THAT no tax rate reduction for vacant and excess land in the commercial and industrial property classes BE ADOPTED; and
    7. THAT the tax rate reduction for farmland awaiting development phase 1 REMAIN at 25% of the residential tax rate and that the tax rate reduction for farmland awaiting development phase 2 REMAIN at 0% for commercial, industrial and multi-residential class property; and
    8. THAT all related by-laws, being by-laws to; provide for an interim tax levy for 2025, set tax rate reductions for prescribed property subclasses for general purposes for 2025, set tax ratios for general purposes for 2025, set tax rates for general purposes for 2025 and provide for the collection of taxes for 2025 BE PRESENTED to Council for adoption within the legislated time frames.
    1. THAT report 2024-611 titled Flood Grants Update BE RECEIVED, and
    2. THAT increased funding in the amount of $200,000 BE PROVIDED from the Council Priorities Reserve (RF0558) to support the Residential Compassionate Flood Relief and Basement Flooding Prevention Grant programs for 2024.
    3. THAT the “Eligible work and grant amounts” for the Basement Flooding Prevention Grant program BE AMENDED to include a grant amount of up to a maximum of $5,000 or 80% of actual costs, whichever is lower, for installation of backwater valve(s) outside the home on sanitary and/or stormwater lateral pipes within the private property.

There were no statutory public meetings.

Mayor Davis presented a certificate of recognition to Joan Minnery, Bill Minnery, and Dan Taylor, the winners of the Best Band Single at the 2024 International Singer-Songwriter Association Awards  

  • Moved byCouncillor Van Tilborg
    Seconded byCouncillor Samwell

    THAT the following proclamations BE APPROVED:

    8.1 – Rett Syndrome Awareness Month – October

    8.2 – Transgender Day – November 20, 2024

    8.3 – International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women – November 25, 2024

    8.4 – Christian Heritage Month - December

    Recorded vote on all Proclamations:

    Yes (10)Councillor Sless, Councillor Carpenter, Councillor McCreary, Mayor Davis, Councillor Van Tilborg, Councillor Martin, Councillor Sicoli, Councillor Sullivan, Councillor Caputo, and Councillor Samwell
    Carried (10 to 0)

Councillor Samwell read the proclamation for Rett Syndrome Awareness Month - October

  • WHEREAS Rett syndrome is a rare genetic neurological disorder that occurs almost exclusively in girls and leads to severe impairments, affecting nearly every aspect of the individual's life. Rett syndrome occurs worldwide in 1 of every 10,000 female births and is even rarer in boys, but not impossible. Rett syndrome is usually recognized in children between 6-18 months of age as they begin to miss developmental milestones or lose abilities they had once gained; and

    WHEREAS throughout their lives these courageous individuals will need total care and constant support from their family; they will combat many medical challenges. They may have seizures, osteoporosis, scoliosis, breath holding, hyperventilation, nutritional problems and so much more. Apraxia, which is the inability to motor plan, is one of the most challenging aspects of Rett Syndrome along with loss of speech; and

    WHEREAS in 1999 it was discovered that Rett Syndrome is primarily caused by a sporadic mutation in the MECP2 gene on the X chromosome, and since this discovery there are many research projects taking place across Ontario and Canada; and

    WHEREAS as there is no Canadian Rett Syndrome Association, the Ontario Rett Syndrome Association (O.R.S.A.) has members from many provinces across Canada and through donations and fundraising efforts have been able to fund the Canadian Rett Syndrome Registry, fund over $678,000 in Canadian Rett syndrome research, and fund and support Rett clinics in Ontario. Currently, the Rett syndrome clinics provide direct critical support to families and their loved one regarding care and management issues.

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of The Corporation of the City of Brantford HEREBY PROCLAIMS October as RETT SYNDROME AWARENESS month in the City of Brantford.

Councillor Sicoli read the proclamation for Transgender Day - November 20, 2024.

  • WHEREAS, Transgender Day of Remembrance is an international, annual observance on November 20 that honors the memory of the transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming persons who are disproportionately targeted and killed for living authentically and courageously, and
    WHEREAS, It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure trans persons can live full lives of dignity, without fear of violence or harm, and

    WHEREAS, Trans individuals are valuable members of every community.

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of The Corporation of the City of Brantford HEREBY PROCLAIMS November 20, 2024, as Transgender Day of Remembrance in the City of Brantford.

Councillor Samwell read the proclamation for International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women - November 25, 2024.

  • WHEREAS violence continues to be the greatest gender inequality rights issue for women, girls and gender-diverse individuals; and

    WHEREAS November is Woman Abuse Prevention Month; and

    WHEREAS November 25th the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women; and

    WHEREAS Femicide rates are on the rise in Ontario, with over 49 femicides in Ontario since November 26th, 2023; and

    WHEREAS Our community is committed to ending femicide and all forms of gender-based violence; and

    WHEREAS Indigenous, Black, South Asian and South East Asian women and girls continue to experience high rates of violence, including femicide and were overrepresented within the Ontario Association of Interval and Transition Houses’ 2022-2023 Annual Femicide List; and

    WHEREAS last year in Ontario, on average every 7 days a woman or child lost their lives due to femicide; and

    WHEREAS this month and throughout the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, we acknowledge our community’s support of the Wrapped in Courage campaign and commitment to ending gender-based violence; and

    WHEREAS there is an urgent need for greater investment and action to end gender-based violence in our community and throughout Ontario; and

    WHEREAS a Wrapped in Courage Campaign flag will be raised during Woman Abuse Prevention Month in recognition that the courage of a woman alone is not enough, it takes an entire community to end gender-based violence; and

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of The Corporation of the City of Brantford HEREBY PROCLAIMS that November 25th, 2024 shall be known as “The International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women” and urge all citizens to recognize this day by taking action to support survivors of gender-based violence and becoming part of Ontario wide efforts to end gender-based violence.

Councillor Sullivan read the proclamation for Christian Heritage Month - December.

  • WHEREAS the Confederation of Canada, which was originally named the “Dominion of Canada”, a name that was inspired by Psalms 72:8 of the King James Bible, which states: “He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth”; and

    WHEREAS the month of December marks significant events and celebrations in the Christian calendar, from the beginning of Advent to the celebration of Jesus Christ; and

    WHEREAS according to the 2021 census - Statistics Canada, Christianity is the largest religion in Canada, with 53.3% of the population identifying as Christians; and

    WHEREAS 15 Ontario Cities, Brampton, Sudbury, Orillia, Welland, Niagara Falls, Rideau Lakes, Vaughn, Markham, Pickering, Clarington, Bradford, Durham, Wainfleet, Caledon and Orangeville have already acknowledged December as Christian Heritage Month; and 

    WHEREAS Christian Heritage Month provide an opportunity for Canadians of all backgrounds to appreciate and celebrate the positive impact of Christianity on our shared history; and

    WHEREAS December is associated with the tradition of gift-giving, gathering of family and friends, and celebrating all faiths;

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of The Corporation of the City of Brantford HEREBY PROCLAIMS December as Christian Heritage Month in the City of Brantford.

There were no presentations.

Lorna Stratton of the Brant Performing Arts appeared before Council to speak to the resolution and respond to questions of Council.

  • Moved byCouncillor Martin
    Seconded byCouncillor McCreary

    THAT the Clerk’s Report on Communication for October 2024 BE RECEIVED.

    Recorded vote on Clerk’s Report on Communication:

    Yes (10)Councillor Sless, Councillor Carpenter, Councillor McCreary, Mayor Davis, Councillor Van Tilborg, Councillor Martin, Councillor Sicoli, Councillor Sullivan, Councillor Caputo, and Councillor Samwell
    Carried (10 to 0)


  • Moved byCouncillor Caputo
    Seconded byCouncillor Sless

    THAT the following Minutes BE ADOPTED:

    11.1    John Noble Home Committee of Management – September 11, 2024

    11.2    Special City Council – September 24, 2024

    11.3    Special City Council – Private and Confidential – September 24, 2024     

    11.4    City Council – September 24, 2024

    11.5    Special City Council -– October 15, 2024

    11.6    John Noble Home Committee of Management – October 16, 2024

    11.7    John Noble Home Committee of Management – Private and Confidential – October 16, 2024

    Recorded vote on all Minutes:

    Yes (10)Councillor Sless, Councillor Carpenter, Councillor McCreary, Mayor Davis, Councillor Van Tilborg, Councillor Martin, Councillor Sicoli, Councillor Sullivan, Councillor Caputo, and Councillor Samwell
    Carried (10 to 0)
  • Moved byCouncillor Sicoli
    Seconded byCouncillor Samwell

    THAT all Items in the Committee Reports (Items 12.1 to 12.5) separated for discussion purposes BE APPROVED.

    1. THAT Report 2024-599 titled Approval to Proceed with the Development of a Sport and Entertainment Centre BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT notwithstanding the limits established in Finance Policy 015 – Debt Management Policy, a budget of $140 Million BE APPROVED for the Sport and Entertainment Centre to be funded from the issuance of debentures; and
    3. THAT the necessary financing by-law BE PRESENTED to City Council for ADOPTION; and
    4. THAT staff BE DIRECTED to proceed with competitive procurement processes for the following services:
      1. Prime Consultant for the design of a new Sports and Entertainment Centre,
      2. Consultant to undertake a corporate sponsorship campaign; and
    5. THAT the CAO or acting delegate, City Treasurer, and the Manager of Purchasing BE AUTHORIZED to award the contract and sign the necessary agreements with the successful consultants identified in Clause D; and
    6. THAT staff BE DIRECTED to return to Council with the detailed design prior to proceeding with a competitive bid process for the construction of the Centre; and
    7. THAT staff BE DIRECTED to report back to Council by Q4 2024 with options to create a Downtown Entertainment area; and
    8. THAT staff BE DIRECTED to negotiate naming rights for the Sport and Entertainment Centre; and
    9. THAT staff BE DIRECTED to establish an SEC Reserve to hold any funds received from sale of naming rights, proceeds from land dispositions, operator capital contributions, and from a corporate sponsorship campaign; and
    10. THAT staff BE DIRECTED to use the following sources of revenue to service debt payments:
      1. City portion of the Municipal Accommodation Tax,
      2. Redirection of Casino funds previously earmarked for a mid-size performance theatre space,
      3. Incremental property taxes from developments in the entertainment area,
      4. Use of funds from the SEC Reserve established in Recommendation I,
      5. Use of proceeds from the disposition of City owned assets in the northern boundary; and
      6. THAT staff BE DIRECTED to enter into lease discussions with the Brantford Bulldogs.
  • Amendment

    Moved byCouncillor Caputo
    Seconded byCouncillor Sless

    THAT Clause E BE AMENDED to add the words “in addition to any necessary project management consulting services".

    Recorded vote on the amendment to item 12.2.1:

    Yes (9)Councillor Sless, Councillor McCreary, Mayor Davis, Councillor Van Tilborg, Councillor Martin, Councillor Sicoli, Councillor Sullivan, Councillor Caputo, and Councillor Samwell
    No (1)Councillor Carpenter
    Carried (9 to 1)
  • Recorded vote on Item 12.2.1, as amended.

    Yes (9)Councillor Sless, Councillor McCreary, Mayor Davis, Councillor Van Tilborg, Councillor Martin, Councillor Sicoli, Councillor Sullivan, Councillor Caputo, and Councillor Samwell
    No (1)Councillor Carpenter
    Carried (9 to 1)

There were no urgent reports.

There were no resolutions.

Councillor Samwell read the title of her notice of motion.

  • WHEREAS Brantford has a long tradition of sporting excellence through hosting and servicing hundreds of local, regional and provincial tournaments and events annually; and

    WHEREAS the City of Brantford was officially recognized as the “Tournament Capital of Ontario” in the Provincial Legislature on June 4, 1998; and

    WHEREAS the City of Brantford’s Economic Development, Tourism & Cultural Initiatives Department (Tourism Division) has identified sport tourism as a core target market since 2013; and

    WHERAS the City of Brantford’s Sport Tourism Strategy (2019) aspires to a vision that Brantford will be a leading sport tourism destination in structure, supports and execution as the Tournament Capital of Ontario;

    WHEREAS the Brantford Police Service have been awarded a bid to host the 2025 Special Olympics Ontario Summer Games in Brantford on July 10-13, 2025; and

    WHEREAS the Special Olympics Ontario Summer Games will welcome 900 athletes along with their families and support workers to the City of Brantford; and

    WHEREAS the mission of Special Olympics Ontario is dedicated to enriching the lives of Ontarians with an intellectual disability through sport; and

    WHEREAS the City of Brantford’s Inclusive Community Plan aims to promote opportunities to support diversity, inclusion and developing a community in which every person feels safe and welcome.


    1. THAT the following administration costs to support the events BE FUNDED from the Council Priorities Reserve (RF0558) to a maximum of $50,000:
      1. Waiving facility and field rental fees
      2. Recovering the value of golf green fees and cart rental fees
      3. Waiving any permit fees required to execute the event
      4. Preparing John Wright Soccer Complex and Kiwanis Field for the events including painting lines and additional grass cutting
      5. Administering renting, staffing and cleaning the Quench Buggy or costs associated with an alternative solution
      6. Renting any waste containers or large garbage bins/dumpster at John Wright Soccer Complex for the event including pickup and dumping fees
      7. Renting up to five (5) portable washrooms and two (2) hand wash stations per site that do not have adequate washroom facilities in place for attendees
      8. Renting a shipping container at John Wright Soccer Complex for overnight storage or find a suitable location for storage of equipment or other materials for the duration of the event
      9. Waiving fees associated with advertising the event on City buses
    2. THAT staff from the Communications, Community Engagement and Customer Service Department BE DIRECTED to design advertisements; and
    3. THAT interested City of Brantford staff BE PERMITTED to volunteer for the 2025 Special Olympics Ontario Summer Games where operationally feasible during regular working hours; and
    4. THAT the Director of Economic Development, Tourism & Cultural Initiatives Department BE DIRECTED to execute a sponsorship agreement between Special Olympics Ontario and The Corporation of the City of Brantford to outline roles and responsibilities for each party in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor or designate.
  • Moved byCouncillor McCreary
    Seconded byCouncillor Martin

    THAT LEAVE BE GIVEN to the Mover and Seconder to introduce the following By-laws for 1st and 2nd Reading:


    138-2024      THREE         Being a By-law to amend By-law 70-2010 as amended, being a By-law to Adopt Various City of Brantford Policies and to Create a Corporate Policy Manual, by amending Corporate Policy – 048 – Municipal Street Naming Policy. (2024-382) (Committee of the Whole – Planning and Administration – June 11, 2024)

    139-2024      THREE         Being a By-law to amend to By-Law 70-2010 to repeal and replace Finance Policy – 002 (Budget Items Balanced by Reserve Funds) (2024-323 and 2024-324) (Committee of the Whole - Operations – October 1, 2024)

    140-2024      THREE         By-law to amend By-law 70-2010 by Amending Public Works Corporate Policy-004 - Oversizing Costs of Sewers; and Amending Public Works Corporate Policy-020 – Wastewater Allocation; and Repealing Public Works Corporate Policy-005 – Media Vending Boxes.  (2024-310) (Committee of the Whole - Operations – October 1, 2024)

    141-2024      THREE         Being a By-law to authorize the Sports & Entertainment Complex and to make provision for the financing of the foregoing (2024-599) (Special Committee of the Whole – October 8, 2024)

    142-2024      THREE         Being a By-law to change the name of Morton Avenue to Morton Avenue West (2024-439) (Committee of the Whole – Planning and Administration – October 15, 2024)

    143-2024      THREE         Being a By-law to amend By-Law 70-2010 to repeal Corporate Policy – 016 (Employee Computer Purchase Plan Policy) (2024-395) (Committee of the Whole – Planning and Administration October 15, 2024)

    144-2024      THREE         Being a By-law to amend By-law 70-2010 by Amending Corporate Policy – 028 (Appointments Policy) and Corporate Policy – 019 (Wall of Recognition Policy) (2024-443) (Committee of the Whole – Planning and Administration October 15, 2024)

    145-2024      THREE         Being a By-law to amend Chapter 15 (Procedure) and Chapter 26 (Boards – Advisory Committees) of the Municipal Code (2024-443) (Committee of the Whole – Planning and Administration October 15, 2024)

    146-2024      THREE         Being a By-law to approve the sale of lands municipally known as 26 Lynnwood Drive in the City of Brantford (2024-466) (Special City Council - August 13, 2024)

    147-2024      THREE         Being a By-law to approve the sale of municipally owned lands located behind 101 Wayne Gretzky Parkway in the City of Brantford (2024-386) (Special City Council – June 11, 2024)

    148-2024      THREE         Being a by-law to amend Chapter 132 Property Standards Officers/Peace Officers Appointment, Chapter 206 (Dogs – Other Animals), Chapter 438 (Fences- Height- Regulation), Chapter 554 (Noise Control), Chapter 492 (Lot Maintenance and Waste), Chapter 478 (Signs-Outdoor Other Advertising Devices), Chapter 437 (Swimming Pools – Regulation and Use), Chapter 533 (Fire Prevention), Chapter 465 (Property Standards Maintenance - Occupancy), By-law 4-2016 (Vacant Buildings Registry) (2024-615) (Committee of the Whole – Planning and Administration – October 15, 2024)

    149-2024      THREE         By-law to authorize the execution of AGREEMENTS individually dated and listed on Schedule 'A' attached hereto:

    1. Jenoptik Smart Mobility Solutions (2024-323) (Committee of the Whole - Operations – October 1, 2024)
    2. City of Brampton Joint Processing Center 2024-323) (Committee of the Whole - Operations – October 1, 2024)
    3. Agreement of Purchase and Sale between the City of Brantford and Peter Nickolas Cappucci (26 Lynnwood Drive) (2024-466) (Special City Council - August 13, 2024)
    4. Agreement of Purchase and Sale between the City of Brantford and ACCESS SELF STORAGE INC. (101 Wayne Gretzky Parkway) (2024-386) (Special City Council – June 11, 2024)

    150-2024      THREE         By-law to confirm the Proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the City of Brantford with respect to the Meeting held on October 29, 2024.


    Recorded vote on the 1st and 2nd reading of all By-laws not separated for discussion purposes:

    Yes (10)Councillor Sless, Councillor Carpenter, Councillor McCreary, Mayor Davis, Councillor Van Tilborg, Councillor Martin, Councillor Sicoli, Councillor Sullivan, Councillor Caputo, and Councillor Samwell
    Carried (10 to 0)
  • Recorded vote on the 1st and 2nd reading of by-laws 141-2024, 146-2024, and 149-2024 - #3:

    Yes (9)Councillor Sless, Councillor McCreary, Mayor Davis, Councillor Van Tilborg, Councillor Martin, Councillor Sicoli, Councillor Sullivan, Councillor Caputo, and Councillor Samwell
    No (1)Councillor Carpenter
    Carried (9 to 1)
  • Recorded vote on 3rd reading of by-laws 141-2024, 146-2024, and 149-2024 - #3:

    Yes (9)Councillor Sless, Councillor McCreary, Mayor Davis, Councillor Van Tilborg, Councillor Martin, Councillor Sicoli, Councillor Sullivan, Councillor Caputo, and Councillor Samwell
    No (1)Councillor Carpenter
    Carried (9 to 1)
  • Moved byCouncillor Carpenter
    Seconded byCouncillor Sullivan

    THAT all by-laws having received a first and second reading BE TAKEN as read a third time, and be finally passed and signed by the Mayor and Clerk.

    Recorded vote on 3rd reading of all By-laws not separated for discussion purposes:

    Yes (10)Councillor Sless, Councillor Carpenter, Councillor McCreary, Mayor Davis, Councillor Van Tilborg, Councillor Martin, Councillor Sicoli, Councillor Sullivan, Councillor Caputo, and Councillor Samwell
    Carried (10 to 0)

The meeting adjourned at 7:06pm.