WHEREAS January 22 2025 marks the 15th annual Bell Let's Talk Day, a day of conversation, support and positive change for mental health; and
WHEREAS the City of Brantford supports positive mental health for all citizens and members of our Community and seeks to improve the lives of the one in five Canadians who will experience a mental illness or mental health issue in their lifetime; and
WHEREAS raising the Bell Let’s Talk flag is a visible reminder to the members of the community that mental health matters, that help is available, and that we are committed to creating change; and
WHEREAS “Bell Let’s Talk Day” promotes mental health awareness, acceptance and action build on four key pillars: fighting stigma, improving access to care, supporting world-class research and leading by example in workplace mental health;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the City of Brantford hereby PROCLAIMS Wednesday, January 22, 2025 as “Bell Let’s Talk Day” in the City of Brantford.