VISION ZERO ROAD SAFETY COMMITTEEMINUTESThursday, September 28, 2023 4:00 P.m. - 6:00 P.m.Brantford City Hall, 58 Dalhousie StreetPresent:Councillor SicoliCouncillor SlessCouncillor MartinCouncillor CarpenterCouncillor Samwell1.ROLL CALL Chair Sless called the meeting to order at 4:01 p.m. and the roll call was confirmed.2.DECLARATIONS OF CONFLICTS OF INTEREST There were no declarations.3.PRESENTATIONS/DELEGATIONS [list, if any, available at the meeting] 3.1Dave Ferguson, Manager, Traffic Services Re: Item 4.1 Active Transportation Master Plan [Financial Impact – None], 2023-83Dave Ferguson, Manager of Traffic Services, presented the Active Transportation Master Plan.4.ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION Moved byCouncillor SicoliSeconded byCouncillor SamwellTHAT all Items for Consideration and Consent not separated for discussion purposes BE APPROVED.CARRIEDThe following items were subject to the vote and carried accordingly:4.1Active Transportation Master Plan [Financial Impact – None], 2023-83 1.Active Transportation Master Plan - 2023-83.pdf2.ATMP September 13 2023.pdf3.ATMP Appendicies September 13 2023.pdf THAT report 2023-83 regarding “Active Transportation Master Plan” BE RECEIVED; and THAT staff BE DIRECTED to implement the Active Transportation system as defined in the Active Transportation Master Plan. CARRIED4.2Scarfe Avenue at Brant Avenue – Directional Closure [Financial Impact – None], 2023-422 1.PWOPS_Scarfe Avenue at Brant Avenue - Directional Closure - 2023-422.pdf THAT report no. 2023-422 regarding Scarfe Avenue at Brant Avenue – Directional Closure BE RECEIVED; and THAT the recommended By-law change as presented in Appendix “A” and further described in report no. 2023-422, Scarfe Avenue at Brant Avenue – Directional Closure, BE APPROVED; and THAT the necessary By-law BE PRESENTED to City Council for ADOPTION. Moved byCouncillor SicoliSeconded byCouncillor SamwellTHAT all Items for Consideration and Consent separated for discussion purposes BE APPROVED.The following items were considered and voted on separately:4.3Shellard Neighbourhood Traffic Review [Financial Impact – None], 2023-477 1.PWOPS_Shellard Neighbourhood Review - 2023-477.pdf2.Final Presentation- Shellard Neighbourhood-June 28,2023.pdf THAT report no. 2023-477 regarding Shellard Neighbourhood Review BE RECEIVED; and THAT the recommended By-law changes as presented in Appendix “A” and further described in report no. 2023-477, Shellard Neighbourhood Traffic Review BE APPROVED; and That a capital project to implement Shellard neighbourhood recommendations BE CONSIDERED in the 2024 capital budget; and THAT the necessary By-laws BE PRESENTED to City Council for ADOPTION. CARRIED4.4Terrace Hill Neighbourhood Traffic Review [Financial Impact – None], 2023-474, 2023-475 1.PWOPS_Terrace Hill Neighbourhood Review - 2022-547 - 2023-474.pdf2.Appendix C - Terrace Hill Neighbourhood presentation.pdf3.PWOPS_Terrace Hill Neighbourhood Traffic Review Memo - 2023-475.pdfVice-Chair Samwell assumed the role of Chair.Moved byCouncillor SicoliSeconded byCouncillor Samwell THAT report no. 2022-547 regarding Terrace Hill Neighbourhood Traffic Review BE RECEIVED; and THAT the recommended By-law changes as presented in Appendix “A” and further described in report no. 2022-547, Terrace Hill Neighbourhood Traffic Review BE APPROVED; and THAT a capital project to implement Terrace Hill neighbourhood recommendations BE CONSIDERED in the 2024 capital budget; and THAT the necessary By-laws BE PRESENTED to City Council for ADOPTION. AmendmentMoved byCouncillor SlessSeconded byCouncillor SicoliTHAT Appendix A BE AMENDED as follows: THAT the posted speed limit BE REDUCED to 40 km/h on Terrace Hill Street between Wells Avenue and West Street; and THAT on-street parking on the north side of Terrace Hill Street from Wells Avenue to a point 67 metres east of the centre line of Wells Avenue BE PROHIBITED. CARRIEDVote on item 4.4, as amendedCARRIEDCouncillor Sless assumed the role of Chair.5.CONSENT ITEMS Councillor Sless assumed the role of Chair.5.1MINUTES 5.1.1Vision Zero Road Safety Committee - May 25, 2023 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - VZRS_May25_2023 - English.pdfMoved byCouncillor MartinSeconded byCouncillor SamwellTHAT the May 25, 2023 Vision Zero Road Safety Committee minutes BE APPROVED.CARRIED6.RESOLUTIONS There were no Resolutions.7.NOTICES OF MOTION There were no Notices of Motion.8.ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4:39 p.m.No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.PWOPS_Terrace Hill Neighbourhood Review - 2022-547 - 2023-474.pdf2.Appendix C - Terrace Hill Neighbourhood presentation.pdf3.PWOPS_Terrace Hill Neighbourhood Traffic Review Memo - 2023-475.pdf1.PWOPS_Shellard Neighbourhood Review - 2023-477.pdf2.Final Presentation- Shellard Neighbourhood-June 28,2023.pdf1.PWOPS_Scarfe Avenue at Brant Avenue - Directional Closure - 2023-422.pdf1.Active Transportation Master Plan - 2023-83.pdf2.ATMP September 13 2023.pdf3.ATMP Appendicies September 13 2023.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - VZRS_May25_2023 - English.pdf