Council Chambers, Brantford City Hall
58 Dalhousie Street, Brantford
  • Mayor Davis
  • Councillor Sicoli
  • Councillor Sullivan
  • Councillor Caputo
  • Councillor Sless
  • Councillor Martin
  • Councillor McCreary
  • Councillor Carpenter
  • Councillor Hunt
  • Councillor Samwell
  • Councillor Van Tilborg

Mayor Davis called the meeting to order and read the invocation.

Roll Call was confirmed.

No declaration of pecuniary interest was made regarding items appearing on the agenda.

  • Moved byCouncillor Caputo
    Seconded byCouncillor Sless

    THAT all Items for Consideration/Consent (7.1 and 7.2) not separated for discussion purposes, BE APPROVED.

    Yes (11)Councillor Sless, Councillor Carpenter, Councillor McCreary, Mayor Davis, Councillor Van Tilborg, Councillor Martin, Councillor Sicoli, Councillor Hunt, Councillor Sullivan, Councillor Caputo, and Councillor Samwell
    Carried (11 to 0)

    The following items were subject to the vote and carried accordingly:

    1. THAT Report 2024-697 BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT Council DIRECT STAFF to refund the municipal property taxes for the Savannah Oaks Drive Pond Property (PLAN 2M1854 PT LOT 1 RP 2R8891 PART 3; Roll number 2906-010-012-14505) owned by Brant Land Trust for the years 2023, 2024, and 2025 in the amount of $16,428.27.
    1. THAT Report 2024-678, titled “Second Phase of Neighbourhood Consultation Results for Three Potential Heritage Conservation Districts”, BE RECEIVED for information; and
    2. THAT, due to a lack of widespread resident interest, heritage conservation district designation NOT BE PURSUED at this time for any of the consulted neighbourhoods; and
    3. THAT Staff REPORT BACK with options for heritage commemoration with the various neighbourhoods consulted by Q4 2025.
    1. THAT Report 2024-649 Brantford Truth and Reconciliation Action Plan – Recommended Next Steps BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT staff BE DIRECTED to undertake the development of a Brantford Truth and Reconciliation Action Plan; and
    3. THAT Council ENDORSE ‘Truth and Reconciliation’ as a Priority Area within the 2025-2028 Community Safety and Well-being Plan.

There were no statutory public meetings.

David Prang, Chair of the Citizen's Remuneration Review Committee, appeared before the Committee, spoke to item 7.1.6—Citizen’s Remuneration Review Committee Report 2024-11-07, and answered questions from the Committee.

There were no presentations.

  • Moved byCouncillor Sicoli
    Seconded byCouncillor Sullivan

    THAT all Items for Consideration/Consent (7.1 and 7.2) separated for discussion purposes, BE APPROVED.

    The following items were carried accordingly:

Items for Consideration/Consent


Items for Consideration

    1. THAT Report 2024-645 regarding Final Remuneration Recommendations BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT effective for the new 2026 term of Council, the remuneration for City Councillors be set at Step 3.0 of Level D ($32.71/hour plus economic adjustments for 2025, 2026 and 2027 as negotiated for the exempt group) in the exempt wage grid and be based on 25 hours per week starting on January 1, 2027; and
    3. THAT effective for the new term of Council, the remuneration for the Mayor remain under the current provisions; and
    4. THAT Staff BE DIRECTED to include the following other compensation suggestions for consideration for the next term of Council:
      1. Hire dedicated staff support person(s) to help members of City Council manage their schedules, answer emails, return phone calls, handle social media, assist with newsletter preparation, etc.; and
      2. Implement Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software to track constituent inquiries; and
      3. Increase orientation to greater than one day for new Councillors to grasp the full scope of City departments and activities; and
      4. Create ongoing professional development opportunities for members of City Council, especially in the first year; and
    5. THAT Staff BE DIRECTED to amend the Honorarium Bylaw to implement any wage rate changes to coincide with the effective date of the exempt wage grid, which is usually on January 1st annually.
    6. THAT Council REVIEW the Planning Committee Stipend amount of $250.00 per meeting.
  • Amendment

    Moved byCouncillor Martin
    Seconded byCouncillor Carpenter

    THAT Clause F BE AMENDED to remove the $250.00 Planning Committee Stipend per meeting, effective for the new 2026 term of Council.

    Recorded vote on the amendment:

    Yes (8)Councillor Carpenter, Councillor McCreary, Councillor Van Tilborg, Councillor Martin, Councillor Hunt, Councillor Sullivan, Councillor Caputo, and Councillor Samwell
    No (3)Councillor Sless, Mayor Davis, and Councillor Sicoli
    Carried (8 to 3)
  • Amendment

    Moved byCouncillor Hunt
    Seconded byCouncillor Carpenter

    THAT Clause B BE AMEDNED as follows:

    THAT effective for the new 2026 term of Council, the remuneration for City Councillors BE BASED on 25 hours per week starting on January 1, 2027.

    The mover and seconder agreed to withdraw the motion.

  • Referral

    Moved byCouncillor Sicoli
    Seconded byCouncillor Sless

    THAT the following item BE REFERRED to the Citizen's Remuneration Review Committee for further research and comparison of Council compensation in comparator municipalities:

    Citizen’s Remuneration Review Committee Report 2024-11-07

    Recorded vote on the referral:

    Yes (4)Councillor Sless, Mayor Davis, Councillor Sicoli, and Councillor Hunt
    No (7)Councillor Carpenter, Councillor McCreary, Councillor Van Tilborg, Councillor Martin, Councillor Sullivan, Councillor Caputo, and Councillor Samwell
    Lost (4 to 7)
  • Recorded vote on item 7.1.6, as amended:

    Yes (9)Councillor Sless, Councillor Carpenter, Councillor McCreary, Mayor Davis, Councillor Van Tilborg, Councillor Martin, Councillor Sicoli, Councillor Caputo, and Councillor Samwell
    No (2)Councillor Hunt, and Councillor Sullivan
    Carried (9 to 2)
    1. THAT Report 2023-703, titled “Downtown Entertainment District – Options Report”, BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT Staff BE DIRECTED to proceed with Option 1 as outlined in Report 2023-703; and
    3. THAT Staff BE DIRECTED to report back to Council in Q3-2025 regarding Option 1 in Report 2023-703 with the potential costs and implementation strategy.
  • Amendment

    Moved byCouncillor Sicoli
    Seconded byCouncillor Caputo

    THAT Option 1 BE AMENDED to include the retention of a external consultant to support aspects such as community engagement

    Recorded vote on the amendment:

    Yes (2)Councillor Sicoli, and Councillor Caputo
    No (9)Councillor Sless, Councillor Carpenter, Councillor McCreary, Mayor Davis, Councillor Van Tilborg, Councillor Martin, Councillor Hunt, Councillor Sullivan, and Councillor Samwell
    Lost (2 to 9)
  • Recorded vote on item 7.1.3:

    Yes (10)Councillor Sless, Councillor McCreary, Mayor Davis, Councillor Van Tilborg, Councillor Martin, Councillor Sicoli, Councillor Hunt, Councillor Sullivan, Councillor Caputo, and Councillor Samwell
    No (1)Councillor Carpenter
    Carried (10 to 1)

Councillor Sullivan assumed the role of the Chair.

    1. THAT Report 2024-73 titled “Economic Development Strategy (2024-2031)” BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT the City of Brantford Economic Development Strategy (2024-2031) (Appendix A) BE APPROVED and IMPLEMENTED in order to further economic growth and development in the City of Brantford; and
    3. THAT the supporting information contained in the Brantford Community Profile (Appendix B), Situational Analysis (Appendix C), Retail Analysis (Appendix D) and Economic Development Strategy (2016) – Final Report Card (Appendix E) BE RECEIVED; and
    4. THAT staff BE DIRECTED to report back to Council, annually, on the progress of implementation of the Economic Development Strategy (2024-2031).

    Recorded vote on item 7.1.4:

    Yes (10)Councillor Sless, Councillor McCreary, Mayor Davis, Councillor Van Tilborg, Councillor Martin, Councillor Sicoli, Councillor Hunt, Councillor Sullivan, Councillor Caputo, and Councillor Samwell
    Carried (10 to 0)

There were no resolutions.

There were no Notices of Motion.

The meeting adjourned at 7:51 p.m.