HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEEMINUTESTuesday, October 03, 2023 2:00 P.m. - 3:00 P.m.Council Chambers, Brantford City Hall58 Dalhousie Street, BrantfordRegrets:Mayor DavisCouncillor SicoliCouncillor SullivanCouncillor CaputoCouncillor SlessCouncillor MartinCouncillor McCrearyCouncillor HuntCouncillor CarpenterCouncillor SamwellCouncillor VanTilborg1.ROLL CALL 2.DECLARATIONS OF CONFLICTS OF INTEREST None.3.SEPARATION OF ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION AND CONSENT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES 4.DELEGATIONS/PRESENTATIONS 4.1DELEGATIONS [list, if any, available at the meeting] 4.2PRESENTATIONS 5.ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION 6.CONSENT ITEMS 6.1MINUTES 6.1.1Human Resources Committee - August 8, 2023 HR MINUTES.pdf7.RESOLUTIONS 8.NOTICES OF MOTION 9.PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS THAT Committee MOVE in-camera to consider the following:9.1Realignment of Positions within CAO Commission - 2023-579 Public Comments: Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local boardemployees Labour relations or employee negotiations10.ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at [time].No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.08.08.23 HR MINUTES.pdf