COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENTAGENDAWednesday, November 06, 2024 5:30 P.m. - 6:30 P.m.Council Chambers, Brantford City Hall58 Dalhousie Street, BrantfordThis meeting will be held in a hybrid format (virtual and in-person). A request to delegate can be completed by visiting the City’s webpage Speaking at a Council Meeting.To join this hybrid meeting, please call 1-647-374-4685 and enter the Meeting ID 966 2101 6259 or join via Zoom Meetings.Alternative formats and communication support are available upon request. For more information, please contact the City of Brantford Municipal Accessibility Coordinator at (519) 759-4150 or [email protected].1.Roll Call 2.Declarations of Conflict of Interest 3.Statutory Public Meetings 3.1Application A52-2024 – 160 Parkside Drive, 2024-632 1.A52-2024 - 160 Parkside Dr - 2024-632.pdf2.Site Plan - 160 Parkside Dr - A52-2024.pdfApplicant/Owner – Brian Wood THAT minor variance application A52-2024 seeking relief from Section of Zoning By-law 160-90 to permit a maximum lot coverage of 12.5%, whereas a maximum of 10% is otherwise required, BE APPROVED; THAT the reasons for the approval of the minor variance application are as follows: the proposed variance application is in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law, the relief requested is considered minor in nature, and desirable for the appropriate development of the subject lands; and, THAT pursuant to 45(8) – (8.2) of the Planning Act, R.S.O 1990, c.P.13, the following statement SHALL BE INCLUDED in the Notice of Decision: “Regard has been had for all written and oral submissions received from the public before the decision was made in relation to this planning matter, as discussed in Section 5.2 of Report No. 2024-632”. 3.2Application A53-2024 – 7 Kennedy Street, 2024-628 1.A53-7 Kennedy Street - 2024-628.pdf2.Figure 1 - Concept Site Plan.pdfAgent - Darlene LombardiApplicant/Owner - Darlene and Franco Lombardi THAT minor variance application A53-2024 seeking relief from Section of Zoning By-law 160-90 to permit a maximum lot coverage of 17% for accessory buildings/structures, whereas a maximum of 10% is otherwise required, BE APPROVED; THAT the reasons for the approval of the minor variance application are as follows: the proposed variance application is in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law, the relief requested is considered minor in nature, and desirable for the appropriate development of the subject lands; and, THAT pursuant to 45(8) – (8.2) of the Planning Act, R.S.O 1990, c.P.13, the following statement SHALL BE INCLUDED in the Notice of Decision: “Regard has been had for all written and oral submissions received from the public before the decision was made in relation to this planning matter, as discussed in Section 5.2 of Report No. 2024-628”. 3.3Application A54-2024 – 81 George Street & 97 Wellington Street, 2024-650 1.A54-2024_97WellingtonStreet - 2024-650.pdf2.AppendixC_SitePlanDrawings.pdfAgent – Maninderjeet Singh ToorApplicant/Owner – GM Developers Inc. THAT minor variance application A54-2024 seeking relief from Section of Zoning By-law 160-90 to provide a minimum of 3 existing parking spaces, whereas the 4 existing parking spaces are required to be provided BE APPROVED. THAT minor variance application A54-2024 seeking relief from Section of Zoning By-law 160-90 to permit a driveway providing access to a loading space with a minimum width of 4.24 m for two-way traffic, whereas a minimum driveway width of 7.0 m is required for two-way traffic BE APPROVED. THAT minor variance application A54-2024 seeking relief from Section of Zoning By-law 160-90 to permit the existing lot width of 20.14 m, whereas 30.0 m is required for apartment dwellings BE APPROVED. THAT minor variance application A54-2024 seeking relief from Section of Zoning By-law 160-90 to permit the existing lot coverage of 55%, whereas the maximum lot coverage for an apartment dwelling is 50% BE APPROVED. THAT minor variance application A54-2024 seeking relief from Section of Zoning By-law 160-90 to permit the existing rear yard of 4.24 m, whereas 7.5 m is required for apartment dwellings BE APPROVED. THAT minor variance application A54-2024 seeking relief from Section of Zoning By-law 160-90 to permit the existing interior side yard of 0.0 m, whereas 4.5 m is required for a 3-storey apartment dwelling BE APPROVED. THAT minor variance application A54-2024 seeking relief from Section of Zoning By-law 160-90 to permit up to three dwelling units to have a minimum gross floor area of 20 m2, whereas 37 m2 is required BE APPROVED. THAT minor variance application A54-2024 seeking relief from Section of Zoning By-law 160-90 to permit the existing landscaped open space of 15.6%, whereas 20% is required for apartment dwellings BE APPROVED. THAT the reasons for the approval of the minor variances area as follows: the proposed variances are in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law, the relief requested is considered minor in nature, and desirable for the appropriate development of the subject lands; and THAT pursuant to subsections 45(8)-(8.2) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, the following statement SHALL BE INCLUDED in the Notice of Decision: “Regard has been had for all written and oral submission received from the public before the decision was made in relation to this planning matter, as discussed in Section 5.2 of Report 2024-650.” 3.4Application B17-2024 – 555 and 565 Greenwich Street, 2024-643 1.B17-2024 - 555 Greenwich Street - 2024-643.pdf2.Appendix D - Severance Sketch.pdfAgent - CB Planning C/o Cynthia BaycetichApplicant/Owner - Ingenia Polymers c/o Gord Thompson, BSC Landco Inc. c/o John Paul De Boer THAT consent application B17-2024 requesting to sever a parcel of land having a lot area of approximately 1.45 ha from 555 Greenwich Street, to be added to 565 Greenwich Street, BE APPROVED, subject to the conditions listed in Appendix A of Report No. 2024-643; THAT the reasons for approval of the consent application are as follows: the proposed consent has regard for the matters under Section 51(24) of the Planning Act and Staff are satisfied that the proposed development is desirable and compatible with the surrounding area and will not result in adverse impacts on surrounding properties. The application is in conformity with the general intent and policies of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law; and, THAT pursuant to Sections 53(17) – (18.2) of the Planning Act, R.S.O 1990, c.P.13, the following statement SHALL BE INCLUDED in the Notice of Decision: “Regard has been had for all written and oral submissions received from the public before the decision was made in relation to this planning matter, as discussed in Section 5.2 of Report No. 2024-643”. 3.5Application B35-2024 and A51-2024 – 225 Henry St., 2024-666 1.B35-2024Deferral_A51-2024 approval - 2024-666.pdf2.Site Plan.pdf3.7. Registered Plan R6421 - 225 Henry Street_cp_17592329550075.pdfAgent – Hopewell DevelopmentApplicant – Crestpoint Real Estate Investments Ltd.Owner – Brant Business Park Inc. THAT minor variance application A51-2024 seeking relief from Section of Zoning By-law 160-90 to permit a maximum building height of 20 m, whereas 11 m in the M1 Zone is otherwise required, BE APPROVED; THAT minor variance application A51-2024 seeking relief from Section of Zoning By-law 160-90 to permit a maximum building height of 20 m, whereas 15 m in the H-M2-61 Zone is otherwise required, BE APPROVED; THAT minor variance application A51-2024 seeking relief from Section of Zoning By-law 160-90 to permit a maximum accessory building/structure height of 12 m, whereas 6 m is otherwise required, BE APPROVED; THAT the reasons for the approval of the minor variance application are as follows: the proposed variance application is in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law, the relief requested is considered minor in nature, and desirable for the appropriate development of the subject lands; and, THAT consent application B35-2024 to facilitate the relocation of a drainage easement and a lease in excess of twenty-one (21) years, BE DEFFERED to allow Staff more time to investigate the complexities of the application and the particulars of the easement; THAT pursuant to 45(8) – (8.2) of the Planning Act, R.S.O 1990, c.P.13, the following statement SHALL BE INCLUDED in the Notice of Decision: “Regard has been had for all written and oral submissions received from the public before the decision was made in relation to this planning matter, as discussed in Section 5.2 of Report No. 2024-612”. 3.6Application B36-2024 – 344 Henry Street, 2024-629 1.B36-2024 - 344 Henry Street - 2024-629.pdf2.Figure 1 - Conceptual Site Plan.pdfAgent – Antech Design & Engineering Group c/o Candice MicucciApplicant/Owner - MCI Corp. c/o Jang PanagTHAT consent application B36-2024 to establish blanket easements on Condominium No. 86 (340 Henry Street), and the future new Condominium (legally described as BRANTFORD CON 4 PT LOTS 40 AND 41 RP 2R6989 PARTS 2 AND 3), BE APPROVED, subject to the conditions listed in Appendix A of Report No. 2024-629; THAT the reasons for approval of the consent application are as follows: the proposed consent has regard for the matters under Section 51(24) of the Planning Act and Staff are satisfied that the proposed development is desirable and compatible with the surrounding area and will not result in adverse impacts on surrounding properties. The application is in conformity with the general intent and policies of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law; and, THAT pursuant to Sections 53(17) – (18.2) of the Planning Act, R.S.O 1990, c.P.13, the following statement SHALL BE INCLUDED in the Notice of Decision:“Regard has been had for all written and oral submissions received from the public before the decision was made in relation to this planning matter, as discussed in Section 5.2 of Report No. 2024-629”. 4.Presentations/Delegations 5.Items for Consideration 6.Consent Items 6.1Minutes 6.1.1Committee of Adjustment - October 2, 2024 of Adjustment Minutes.pdf6.22025 Meeting Schedule 1.2025 CofA Meeting Schedule.pdfTHAT the meeting schedule for 2025 BE RECEIVED.7.Resolutions 8.Notices of Motion 9.Adjournment No Item Selected This item has no attachments. of Adjustment Minutes.pdf1.2025 CofA Meeting Schedule.pdf1.A52-2024 - 160 Parkside Dr - 2024-632.pdf2.Site Plan - 160 Parkside Dr - A52-2024.pdf1.A53-7 Kennedy Street - 2024-628.pdf2.Figure 1 - Concept Site Plan.pdf1.A54-2024_97WellingtonStreet - 2024-650.pdf2.AppendixC_SitePlanDrawings.pdf1.B17-2024 - 555 Greenwich Street - 2024-643.pdf2.Appendix D - Severance Sketch.pdf1.B35-2024Deferral_A51-2024 approval - 2024-666.pdf2.Site Plan.pdf3.7. Registered Plan R6421 - 225 Henry Street_cp_17592329550075.pdf1.B36-2024 - 344 Henry Street - 2024-629.pdf2.Figure 1 - Conceptual Site Plan.pdf