Brantford City Hall, 58 Dalhousie Street

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Re: Item 4.1 Active Transportation Master Plan [Financial Impact – None], 2023-83

    1. THAT report 2023-83 regarding “Active Transportation Master Plan” BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT staff BE DIRECTED to implement the Active Transportation system as defined in the Active Transportation Master Plan.
    1. THAT report no. 2023-422 regarding Scarfe Avenue at Brant Avenue – Directional Closure BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT the recommended By-law change as presented in Appendix “A” and further described in report no. 2023-422, Scarfe Avenue at Brant Avenue – Directional Closure, BE APPROVED; and
    3. THAT the necessary By-law BE PRESENTED to City Council for ADOPTION.
    1. THAT report no. 2023-477 regarding Shellard Neighbourhood Review BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT the recommended By-law changes as presented in Appendix “A” and further described in report no. 2023-477, Shellard Neighbourhood Traffic Review BE APPROVED; and
    3. That a capital project to implement Shellard neighbourhood recommendations BE CONSIDERED in the 2024 capital budget; and
    4. THAT the necessary By-laws BE PRESENTED to City Council for ADOPTION.
    1. THAT report no. 2022-547 regarding Terrace Hill Neighbourhood Traffic Review BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT the recommended By-law changes as presented in Appendix “A” and further described in report no. 2022-547, Terrace Hill Neighbourhood Traffic Review BE APPROVED; and
    3. THAT a capital project to implement Terrace Hill neighbourhood recommendations BE CONSIDERED in the 2024 capital budget; and
    4. THAT the necessary By-laws BE PRESENTED to City Council for ADOPTION.