BRANTFORD HERITAGE COMMITTEEAGENDAMonday, December 18, 2023 6:00 P.m. - 7:00 P.m.Charlie Ward Room, Brantford City Hall58 Dalhousie Street, BrantfordThis meeting will be held in a hybrid meeting format (virtual and in-person). Registration to view the meeting or participate as a delegate can be completed by visiting: more information on viewing the recording of this meeting after its adjournment, please visit: formats and communication supports available upon request. For more information, please contact the City of Brantford Municipal Accessibility Coordinator at (519) 759-4150 or by emailat [email protected].1.ROLL CALL 2.DECLARATIONS OF CONFLICTS OF INTEREST 3.PRESENTATIONS/DELEGATIONS [list, if any, available at the meeting] 4.ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION 4.1Notice of Intention to Demolish an Accessory Structure at 70 Alfred Street, a Non-Designated, Listed Property on the City of Brantford’s Heritage Register [Financial Impact – None], 2023-739 1.70 Alfred Street - Demolition of Detached Accessory Structure - 2023-739.pdf2.Appendix A - 70 Alfred Street Location map.pdf3.Appendix B - 70 Alfred Street Aerial Photo map.pdf4.Appendix C - Heritage Register Property Information Sheet - 70 Alfred Street.pdf THAT Staff Report 2023-739, titled “Notice of Intention to Demolish an Accessory Structure at 70 Alfred Street, a Non-Designated, Listed Property on the City of Brantford’s Heritage Register” BE RECEIVED; and THAT the following comments of the Brantford Heritage Committee be provided to Staff for inclusion in Staff’s future report to Committee of the Whole – Planning and Administration: _____________; _____________; and _____________. 4.2Notice of Intention to Demolish 25 William Street, a Non-Designated, Listed Property on the City’s Heritage Register [Financial Impact – None], 2023-740 1.25 William St Demo - 2023-740.pdf2.Appendix A.pdf3.Appendix B.pdf4.Appendix C.pdf THAT Report 2023-740, titled “Notice of Intention to Demolish 25 William Street, a Non-Designated, Listed Property on the City’s Heritage Register”, BE RECEIVED; and, THAT the following comments of the Brantford Heritage Committee be provided to Staff for inclusion in Staff’s future report to Committee of the Whole – Planning and Administration; __________ __________; and __________. 4.3Draft Terms of Reference for Heritage Impact Assessments and Heritage Conservation Plans, 2023-627 1.HIA and HCP TOR Draft - 2023-627.pdf2.Appendix A HIA TOR.pdf3.Appendix B HCP TOR.pdf THAT Report 2023-627, titled “Draft Terms of Reference for Heritage Impact Assessments and Heritage Conservation Plans”, BE RECEIVED; and THAT the following comments of the Brantford Heritage Committee be provided to Staff: __________; __________; and __________. 4.4Brantford Heritage Committee Priorities for 2024, 2023-734 1.2024 Heritage Committee Priorities - 2023-734.pdf2.Appendix A(1).pdf THAT Report 2023-734, titled “Brantford Heritage Committee Priorities for 2024”, BE RECEIVED; and THAT the 2024 budget for the Brantford Heritage Committee BE UTILIZED to undertake the priorities identified in Appendix A to Report 2023-734. 5.CONSENT ITEMS 5.1MINUTES 5.1.1Brantford Heritage Committee - November 27, 2023 Heritage Minutes.pdf6.RESOLUTIONS 7.NOTICES OF MOTION 7.1Heritage Committee Vacancy - Nathan Etherington THAT the position of committee member Parwinder Singh on the Brantford Heritage Committee BE DECLARED vacant in accordance with Section 26.2.12 of Chapter 26 of the City of Brantford Municipal Code; and THAT the Appointments Committee BE REQUESTED to fill the vacant position. 8.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.70 Alfred Street - Demolition of Detached Accessory Structure - 2023-739.pdf2.Appendix A - 70 Alfred Street Location map.pdf3.Appendix B - 70 Alfred Street Aerial Photo map.pdf4.Appendix C - Heritage Register Property Information Sheet - 70 Alfred Street.pdf1.25 William St Demo - 2023-740.pdf2.Appendix A.pdf3.Appendix B.pdf4.Appendix C.pdf1.2024 Heritage Committee Priorities - 2023-734.pdf2.Appendix A(1).pdf1.HIA and HCP TOR Draft - 2023-627.pdf2.Appendix A HIA TOR.pdf3.Appendix B HCP TOR.pdf1.11.27.23 Heritage Minutes.pdf