- THAT Zoning By-law Amendment Application PZ-26-22, submitted by G. Douglas Vallee Ltd on behalf of 832605 Ontario Inc. affecting the lands known as Block 226 of Registered Plan 1775, to change the zoning to “Holding – Residential Type 1C Zone (H-R1C)”, BE APPROVED as outlined in Report 2023-404; and,
- THAT the By-law to remove the “Holding (H)” provision from the subject lands not be presented to Council for approval until the following conditions have been satisfied:
- THAT the applicant, at their expense, address the need for a peer review of the D-6 Compatibility and Noise Assessment, prepared by CCS Engineering dated June 23, 2022, or any addendum thereto, to the satisfaction of the Manager of Development Planning; and
- THAT the applicant, at their expense, implement the final recommendations of the D-6 Compatibility and Noise Assessment, prepared by CCS Engineering dated June 23, 2022, or any addendum thereto through the future conditions of Draft Plan of Subdivision 29T-22505, to the satisfaction of the Manager of Development Planning.
- THAT Draft Plan of Subdivision Application 29T-22505 submitted by G. Douglas Vallee Ltd on behalf of 832605 Ontario Inc, affecting the lands known as Block 226 of Registered Plan 1775, BE PRESENTED to Council at a later date for the consideration of the Draft Plan Conditions; and,
- THAT Pursuant to Section 34(18.2) of the Planning Act, R.S.O 1990, c.P.13 the following statement SHALL BE INCLUDED in the Notice of Decision:
“Regard has been had for all written and oral submissions received from the public before the decision was made in relation to this planning matter, as discussed in Section 9.4 of Report 2023-404.”