Council Chambers, Brantford City Hall
58 Dalhousie Street, Brantford

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Re: Item 6.1.4 - Active Transportation Master Plan contained within the Vision Zero Road Safety Committee Report #2023-09-28.

    1. THAT Report No. 2023-304, “Amendments to Chapter 440 of the Municipal Code-Solid Waste By-law” BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT the By-law amendments to Chapter 440 of the Municipal Code in regards to the new household organic waste collection program (Green Bin Program) BE APPROVED.
    1. THAT Report No. 2023-512 Public Works Energy Management Policy Transition BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT PUBLIC WORKS-013 Energy Management Policy BE REPEALED; and
    3. THAT the necessary by-law to amend By-law 70-2010, being a by-law to adopt various City of Brantford policies, BE PRESENTED to City Council for adoption.
    1. THAT Report 2023-522 entitled, “Draft Vision, Mission, Goals and Actions for the Brantford Municipal Airport” BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT feedback on the draft vision, mission, goals and actions BE PROVIDED to McSweeney & Associates; and
    3. THAT staff BE DIRECTED to incorporate Aviation Hub Development Opportunities including, but not limited to, opportunities for development of vacant airport lands and the infrastructure and financing options required to support development of those lands into the project plan and financial plan previously approved by the Airport Board on April 27, 2023; and
    4. THAT after the Airport Committee has had an opportunity to comment on the completed Proposal it shall BE REFERRED to the Joint City-County Shared Services Committee; and
    5. THAT Staff BE DIRECTED to prepare a report analyzing the options City Council consider for management and governance of the Airport, including the feasibility of using a municipal services corporation model for ownership and governance of the airport.
    1. Active Transportation Master Plan [Financial Impact – None], 2023-83
      1. THAT report 2023-83 regarding “Active Transportation Master Plan” BE RECEIVED; and
      2. THAT staff BE DIRECTED to implement the Active Transportation system as defined in the Active Transportation Master Plan.
    2. Scarfe Avenue at Brant Avenue – Directional Closure [Financial Impact – None], 2023-422
      1. THAT report no. 2023-422 regarding Scarfe Avenue at Brant Avenue – Directional Closure BE RECEIVED; and
      2. THAT the recommended By-law change as presented in Appendix “A” and further described in report no. 2023-422, Scarfe Avenue at Brant Avenue – Directional Closure, BE APPROVED; and
      3. THAT the necessary By-law BE PRESENTED to City Council for ADOPTION.


    3. Shellard Neighbourhood Traffic Review [Financial Impact – None], 2023-477
      1. THAT report no. 2023-477 regarding Shellard Neighbourhood Review BE RECEIVED; and
      2. THAT the recommended By-law changes as presented in Appendix “A” and further described in report no. 2023-477, Shellard Neighbourhood Traffic Review BE APPROVED; and
      3. That a capital project to implement Shellard neighbourhood recommendations BE CONSIDERED in the 2024 capital budget; and
      4. THAT the necessary By-laws BE PRESENTED to City Council for ADOPTION.


    4. Terrace Hill Neighbourhood Traffic Review [Financial Impact – None], 2023-474, 2023-475
      1. THAT report no. 2022-547 regarding Terrace Hill Neighbourhood Traffic Review BE RECEIVED; and
      2. THAT the recommended By-law changes as presented in Appendix “A” and further described in report no. 2022-547, Terrace Hill Neighbourhood Traffic Review BE APPROVED; and
      3. THAT a capital project to implement Terrace Hill neighbourhood recommendations BE CONSIDERED in the 2024 capital budget; and
      4. THAT the necessary By-laws BE PRESENTED to City Council for ADOPTION; and
      5. THAT Appendix A BE AMENDED as follows:
        1. THAT the posted speed limit BE REDUCED to 40 km/h on Terrace Hill Street between Wells Avenue and West Street; and
        2. THAT on-street parking on the north side of Terrace Hill Street from Wells Avenue to a point 67 metres east of the centre line of Wells Avenue BE PROHIBITED.
  • WHEREAS More than 46 municipalities and regions including the Cities of Toronto, Ottawa, Burlington, Windsor and London, along with Peel, Durham and Halton Regions, Lanark County, and Renfrew County) across Ontario have declared a gender-based violence and/or intimate partner violence epidemic; and

    WHEREAS by declaring gender-based violence and intimate partner violence an epidemic, The City of Brantford can join the growing number of municipalities and regions in Canada in demanding action from all levels of government to address this growing epidemic; anD

    WHEREAS the incidences of gender-based violence and intimate partner violence increased exponentially throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and have not decreased, while funding to provide the growing demand of services and support for victims and survivors of intimate partner and gender based violence has not kept pace; and

    WHEREAS The City of Brantford had the highest number of police reports for Intimate Partner Violence in Ontario, and the 4th highest municipality in Canada; and

    WHEREAS The Crisis hotline calls are up 600% from previous, and the funding and volunteerism is at an all time low.


    1. THAT The City of Brantford Council DECLARE Gender-based violence and Intimate Partner Violence an epidemic in the City of Brantford; and
    2. THAT The City of Brantford Council RECOMMEND that gender-based violence and intimate-partner violence be declared an epidemic in the Province of Ontario; and
    3. THAT The City of Brantford Council REQUEST that Femicide be added as a term to the Criminal Code of Canada and state its position to the Honourable Arif Virani, Minister of Justice and Attorney General Canada, and the Prime Minister of Canada; and
    4. THAT The City of Brantford Council REQUEST that the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) and all municipalities and regions in Ontario declare a gender-based and intimate partner violence epidemic across the country; and
    5. THAT The City of Brantford REQUEST that the provincial and federal governments rightfully declare intimate partner and gender-based violence an epidemic and enact the additional 85 recommendations from the inquest into the 2015 murders of Carol Culleton, Anastasia Kuzyk and Nathalie Warmerdam in Renfrew County, Ontario, which provide a roadmap to preventing intimate partner violence from escalating to femicide; and
    6. THAT The City of Brantford REQUEST that the provincial and federal governments provide the necessary support to municipalities, regions and their emergency and social services to meaningfully address the gender-based violence and intimate-partner violence epidemic; and
    7. THAT staff BE DIRECTED to consult with community organizations in the development of a Community IPV Action Plan, to be provided to City Council prior to March 31 2024, and that this plan include:
      1. Input from community organizations regarding needed resources to address the local IPV epidemic
      2. Community-wide awareness campaign to highlight local IPV impacts and available supports
      3. Evidence-based approaches to engage and support youth who at risk of experiencing or committing IVP
      4. Opportunities for Brantford City Council to support and advocate for community organizations that are addressing this epidemic
  • WHEREAS addressing the incidence and impact of homelessness is a priority of Brantford City Council; and

    WHEREAS the City is taking a number of steps to enhance programs to support homeless individuals including warming and cooling centres, increased encampment response, access to washrooms and hygiene stations, health care partnerships, and homeless shelter services; and

    WHEREAS local organizations continue to develop innovative and collaborative solutions to support individuals and families; and

    WHEREAS the causes of homelessness can be complex and unique, with one of the primary causes being undiagnosed and / or untreated mental health and addiction issues; and

    WHEREAS homelessness shelters cannot provide the level of care needed by individuals experiencing acute and / or chronic mental health or addictions challenges; and

    WHEREAS individuals experiencing untreated or undiagnosed acute and / or chronic mental health or addictions challenges are at higher risk to themselves and other members of the community; and

    WHEREAS every individual deserves the opportunity for treatment and recovery; and

    WHEREAS mandatory treatment options can be effective for individuals experiencing cognitive challenges that are a barrier to self-initiated treatment; and

    WHEREAS over the past 20 years, changes to legislation have restricted the use of mandatory treatment, even when requested by health care professionals, police, court officials or family members; and

    WHEREAS past practices within mandatory treatment centres were identified as harmful to individuals, new advances in the understanding, treatment and root cause of mental health and addiction represents an opportunity to review current treatment options; and

    WHEREAS institutions like the former Burtch Institution provided greater deterrence and accountability for minor offences, the nature of which are and have been on the rise in Brantford for some time,


    1. THAT The Brantford City Council REQUEST that the Ministry of the Attorney General, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Long-Term Care, review the Mental Health Act, 1990 and the Health Care Consent Act to determine options for effective and compassionate mandatory treatment for individuals who cannot receive proper care through non-mandatory treatment regimes, and that this review include a comprehensive consultation with the Association of Municipalities or Ontario; and
    2. THAT The Brantford City Council REQUEST that the Ministry of Public Safety, Democratic Institutions and Intergovernmental Relations create an institution similar to the former Burtch Institution in the Brantford area to provide the necessary deterrence and accountability for crime in the community; and
    3. THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the the Honourable Doug Downey, Attorney General, the Honourable Stan Cho, the Minister of Long Term Care, the Honourable Sylvia Jones, Minister of Health and the Minster of Health and Long-Term Care, the Honourable Dominic Leblanc, Minister of Public Safety, Democratic Institutions and Intergovernmental Relations, AMO and OBCM.