Charlie Ward Room, Brantford City Hall
58 Dalhousie Street, Brantford

This meeting will be held in a hybrid format (virtual and in-person). A request to delegate can be completed by visiting the City’s webpage Speaking at a Council Meeting.

To join this hybrid meeting, please call 1-647-374-4685 and enter the Meeting ID 991 6252 4353 or join via Zoom Meetings.

Alternative formats and communication support are available upon request. For more information, please contact the City of Brantford Municipal Accessibility Coordinator at (519) 759-4150 or [email protected].

    1. THAT Staff Report, titled “Expansion of Community Involvement Framework Update – City-wide Engagement Campaign [Financial Impact: $10,000] BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT the cost of the Community Involvement Framework - Engagement Campaign BE FUNDED through the Council Priorities Reserve (RF0558) in the amount of $10,000; and
    3. THAT Staff BE DIRECTED to develop and implement the Community Involvement Framework Engagement Campaign; and
    4. THAT Staff BE DIRECTED to REPORT BACK to the Task Force with findings of the Engagement Campaign in February, 2025.