Brantford City Hall, 58 Dalhousie Street
  • Mayor Davis
  • Councillor Sullivan
  • Councillor Sicoli
  • Councillor Caputo
  • Councillor Sless
  • Councillor Martin
  • Councillor McCreary
  • Councillor Hunt
  • Councillor Samwell
  • Councillor VanTilborg
  • Councillor Carpenter

Mayor Davis called the meeting to order and roll call was confirmed.

No declarations of pecuniary interest were made regarding Items appearing on tonight’s Special City Council agenda. 

  • Moved byCouncillor Martin
    Seconded byCouncillor Sless

    THAT the appointment of Members of Council to the Brant Waterways Foundation and the Brant Historical Society as outlined in Appendix "A' attached hereto BE APPROVED.

  • Election:

    Vote on Brant Historical Society Membership:

    Samwell(75.00 %):Councillor Sless, Mayor Davis, Councillor VanTilborg, Councillor Hunt, Councillor Caputo, and Councillor Samwell
    McCreary(25.00 %):Councillor Martin, and Councillor Sicoli
    Conflict (0):None
    Majority Winner: Samwell
  • Amendment:

    THAT Councillor Samwell BE APPOINTED to the Brant Historical Society for a term to expire November 14, 2025.

    Recorded vote on amendment:

  • Amendment:

    THAT Councillor Carpenter BE APPOINTED to the Brant Waterways Foundations for a term to expire November 14, 2025.

    Recorded vote on amendment:

    Yes (7)Councillor Sless, Mayor Davis, Councillor VanTilborg, Councillor Sicoli, Councillor Hunt, Councillor Caputo, and Councillor Samwell
    No (1)Councillor Martin
    Carried (7 to 1)
  • Item 3.1 AS AMENDED.

    Recorded vote on item 3.1, as amended:

    Yes (7)Councillor Sless, Mayor Davis, Councillor VanTilborg, Councillor Sicoli, Councillor Hunt, Councillor Caputo, and Councillor Samwell
    No (1)Councillor Martin
    Carried (7 to 1)
  • Moved byCouncillor Sless
    Seconded byCouncillor Caputo
    1. THAT Report 2025-111 – Sports and Entertainment Centre Update be RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT staff BE AUTHORIZED to proceed with the recommended Progressive Design-Build procurement model as presented in Section 9 of this report and this process BE AUTHORIZED to proceed in accordance with section 2.05(a) of Corporate Policy-012 - Purchasing Policy; and
    3. THAT the authority provided to staff in Clause B above REPLACE the authority provided on October 29, 2024, for procurement of a Prime Consultant for design of the Sports and Entertainment Centre prior to a competitive bid process for its construction.

    Recorded vote on item 4.1:

    Yes (10)Councillor Sless, Councillor McCreary, Mayor Davis, Councillor VanTilborg, Councillor Martin, Councillor Sicoli, Councillor Hunt, Councillor Sullivan, Councillor Caputo, and Councillor Samwell
    Carried (10 to 0)
  • Moved byCouncillor Sicoli
    Seconded byCouncillor Caputo

    THAT LEAVE BE GIVEN to the Mover and Seconder to introduce the following By-laws for 1st and 2nd Reading:


    10-2025         THREE          Being a By-law to Appoint Members of Council to Various Committees, Task Forces and Boards (Special City Council #2025-02-11)

    11-2025         THREE          By-law to confirm the Proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the City of Brantford with respect to the Special City Council Meeting held on February 11, 2025.

    Recorded vote on 1st and 2nd reading of By-laws:

    Yes (10)Councillor Sless, Councillor McCreary, Mayor Davis, Councillor VanTilborg, Councillor Martin, Councillor Sicoli, Councillor Hunt, Councillor Sullivan, Councillor Caputo, and Councillor Samwell
    Carried (10 to 0)
  • Moved byCouncillor Caputo
    Seconded byCouncillor VanTilborg

    THAT all by-laws having received a first and second reading BE TAKEN as read a third time, and be finally passed and signed by the Mayor and Clerk.

    Recorded vote on third reading of by-laws:

    Yes (10)Councillor Sless, Councillor McCreary, Mayor Davis, Councillor VanTilborg, Councillor Martin, Councillor Sicoli, Councillor Hunt, Councillor Sullivan, Councillor Caputo, and Councillor Samwell
    Carried (10 to 0)

Council reconvened in Open Session and adjourned at 4:45 p.m.