Rodney Gay, agent for the applicant appeared before the Committee and provided an overview of the application. The applicant is seeking approval to reduce the parking requirement from 1.5 parking spaces per dwelling unit to 1.15 parking spaces per dwelling unit in order to facilitate the development of two three-storey residential buildings. The reduction is requested as the subject property is constrained by a relatively steep, southeast facing incline, making it difficult to convert into parking. The agent answered various questions from the Committee.
The Committee did not request to see the staff presentation however Lindsay King, Development Planner, appeared before the Committee and answered various questions.
Karen Bowen, 48 Kennedy Street, Brantford, appeared before the Committee and expressed concerns regarding the impact the proposed variance would have on parking and traffic in the area. She further expressed concerns regarding privacy, erosion and slope stability, and the impacts on wildlife and vegetation on the subject property as a result of the proposed development.
No other members of the public appeared virtually or in person to speak to the application.
The agent reappeared before the Committee and provided clarifying statements regarding the requirement to meet the conditions of Site Plan, and that an updated Plan will be required to address concerns related to erosion and slope stability. The agent noted parking and traffic studies were completed through the application process.
The public hearing was completed and subsequently closed.