Council Chambers, Brantford City Hall
58 Dalhousie Street, Brantford
  • Mayor Davis
  • Councillor Sicoli
  • Councillor Sullivan
  • Councillor Caputo
  • Councillor Sless
  • Councillor Martin
  • Councillor McCreary
  • Councillor Carpenter
  • Councillor Hunt
  • Councillor Samwell
  • Councillor Van Tilborg

Chair Martin called the meeting to order and roll call was confirmed.

Councillor Sless declared a conflict of pecuniary interest on Steps 5B.2 and 5C.2 of the 2024-2027 Budget Worksheet as a family member is employed at POA (Legal Services).

Councillor Sicoli declared a conflict of pecuniary interest on Step 7B.4 of the 2024-2027 Budget Worksheet as it contains the salary of an individual with whom Councillor Sicoli is in a relationship.

Joelle Daniels, Commissioner of Corporate Services/City Treasurer, appeared before the Estimates Committee and provided an overview on the 2024-2027 Multi-year Budget. A PowerPoint Presentation was made and a copy was placed in the meeting folder.

There were no delegations.

  • Moved byCouncillor McCreary
    Seconded byCouncillor Sless

    THAT Report 2024-13, 2024-2027 City Services Budget, BE RECEIVED.

    Recorded Vote on item 4.1:

    Yes: (10)Mayor Davis, Councillor Sullivan, Councillor Caputo, Councillor Sless, Councillor Martin, Councillor McCreary, Councillor Carpenter, Councillor Hunt, Councillor Samwell, and Councillor Van Tilborg
    Carried (10 to 0)
  • Councillor Sless declared a conflict on this item. (Councillor Sless declared a conflict of pecuniary interest on Steps 5B.2 and 5C.2 of the 2024-2027 Budget Worksheet as a family member is employed at POA (Legal Services).)
  • Councillor Sicoli declared a conflict on this item. (Councillor Sicoli declared a conflict of pecuniary interest on Step 7B.4 of the 2024-2027 Budget Worksheet as it contains the salary of an individual with whom Councillor Sicoli is in a relationship.)
  • Moved byCouncillor Caputo
    Seconded byCouncillor Samwell
    1. THAT the staff prepared 2024-2027 operating and capital budgets BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT upon final adoption of the 2024-2027 operating and capital budgets, the following actions BE APPROVED:
      1. THAT the necessary By-laws BE PRESENTED to City Council for adoption; and
      2. THAT the Commissioners, and the Purchasing Officer BE AUTHORIZED to award Year 2024 projects in accordance with the City of Brantford’s Purchasing Policy.
    Conflict (2)Councillor Sicoli, and Councillor Sless
  • Amendment to Step 2C.1:

    Moved byCouncillor McCreary
    Seconded byCouncillor Sless

    THAT the position "Indigenous Relations Officer" BE REMOVED from the budget.

    Recorded Vote on the Amendment to Step 2C.1:

    Yes: (6)Councillor Sicoli, Mayor Davis, Councillor Caputo, Councillor Sless, Councillor Martin, and Councillor McCreary
    No: (5)Councillor Sullivan, Councillor Carpenter, Councillor Hunt, Councillor Samwell, and Councillor Van Tilborg
    Carried (6 to 5)

    The Estimates Committee recessed at 5:58 p.m. and reconvened at 6:30 p.m.

    Councillor Sless declared a conflict of pecuniary interest on Steps 5B.2 and 5C.2 of the 2024-2027 Budget Worksheet as a family member is employed at POA (Legal Services).

    Councillor Sicoli declared a conflict of pecuniary interest on Step 7B.4 of the 2024-2027 Budget Worksheet as it contains the salary of an individual with whom Councillor Sicoli is in a relationship.

  • Amendment to Step 7D.8:

    Moved byMayor Davis
    Seconded byCouncillor Sicoli

    THAT the Airport Master Plan Update budget of $100,000 from 2024 BE DEFERRED 2025.

    Recorded Vote on the Amendment to Step 7D.8:

    Yes: (9)Councillor Sless, Councillor Carpenter, Mayor Davis, Councillor Van Tilborg, Councillor Sicoli, Councillor Hunt, Councillor Sullivan, Councillor Caputo, and Councillor Samwell
    No: (2)Councillor McCreary, and Councillor Martin
    Carried (9 to 2)

The Estimates Committee meeting recessed at 7:39 p.m. to reconvene on Monday, January 15, 2024 at 4:30 p.m.