ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, TOURISM &CULTURAL INITIATIVES ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTESWednesday, October 25, 2023 5:30 P.m. - 6:30 P.m.Charlie Ward Room, Brantford City Hall58 Dalhousie Street, BrantfordPresent:Councillor HuntCouncillor SamwellMayor Davis1.ROLL CALL Present: Christina Han, Wiktor Kulinski, Jang Singh Panag, Danette Dalton, Peter Muir, David Prang, Stephanie Wall, Councillor Samwell, Councillor Hunt, Mayor Davis Regrets: Ana Olson, Keri Korfmann Absent: John Oddi2.DECLARATIONS OF CONFLICTS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of conflicts of interest. 3.PRESENTATIONS/DELEGATIONS [list, if any, available at the meeting] 3.1Kevin McPhillips & Nancy Johnston, McSweeney and Associates 1.Brantford Presentation_Economic Development, Tourism and Cultural Initiatives Advisory Committee.pdfRe: Item 4.1 - Draft Economic Development Strategy Goals and Actions, 2023-578Nancy Johnston and Kevin McPhillips from McSweeney and Associates appeared before the Committee and provided a presentation regarding item 4.1 Draft Economic Development Strategy Goals and Actions. The presentation covered various themes and goals that were the result of the analysis that McSweeney and Associates completed. Nancy Johnston and staff responded to questions from the Committee. 4.ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION 4.1Draft Economic Development Strategy Goals and Actions [Financial Impact: Unknown], 2023-578 1.Draft Economic Development Strategy Goals and Actions - 2023-578.pdfMoved by: Danette Dalton Seconded by: David Prang THAT Report 2023-578, entitled “Draft Economic Development Strategy Goals and Actions” BE RECEIVED; and THAT feedback on the Draft Economic Development Strategy Goals and Actions BE PROVIDED to McSweeney & Associates. Moved by: Wiktor KulinskiSeconded by: Jang Singh Panag THAT item 4.1 BE DEFERRED to the next Economic Development, Tourism and Cultural Initiatives Advisory Committee meeting. CARRIEDMoved by: David Prang Seconded by: Peter Muir THAT Committee Submit feedback in writing to staff within two weeks from October 25, 2023CARRIED5.CONSENT ITEMS 5.1MINUTES 5.1.1Economic Development, Tourism and Cultural Initiatives Advisory Committee - August 23, 2023 by: Mayor Davis Seconded by: Peter Muir THAT the Economic Development, Tourism and Cultural Initiatives Advisory Committee minutes of August 23, 2023 BE APPROVEDCARRIED6.RESOLUTIONS There were no Resolutions. 7.NOTICES OF MOTION There were no Notices of Motion. 8.ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 6:12 p.m.No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.Draft Economic Development Strategy Goals and Actions - 2023-578.pdf1.08.23.23EDTCIMinutes.pdf1.Brantford Presentation_Economic Development, Tourism and Cultural Initiatives Advisory Committee.pdf