Charlie Ward Room, Brantford City Hall
58 Dalhousie Street, Brantford

Chair McCreary called the meeting to order and roll call was confirmed.


Councillor McCreary
Councillor Samwell
Councillor Sullivan
Sam Colaiacovo


Councillor Caputo
Councillor Hunt
Laura Bailey 

No declarations of pecuniary interest were made.

There were no presentations or delegations.

  • Moved by Sam Colaiacovo
    Seconded by Councillor Samwell

    THAT all items for consideration/consent BE APPROVED.

    The items were then voted on individually and carried accordingly:

M. Vissochi, Director of Communications and Community Engagement, provided an overview of item 4.1 and responded to questions of the Task Force.

    1. THAT Staff Report, titled “Expansion of Community Involvement Framework Update – City-wide Engagement Campaign [Financial Impact: $10,000] BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT the cost of the Community Involvement Framework - Engagement Campaign BE FUNDED through the Council Priorities Reserve (RF0558) in the amount of $10,000; and
    3. THAT Staff BE DIRECTED to develop and implement the Community Involvement Framework Engagement Campaign; and
    4. THAT Staff BE DIRECTED to REPORT BACK to the Task Force with findings of the Engagement Campaign in February, 2025.
  • Moved by Councillor McCreary
    Seconded by Councillor Samwell


    1. THAT staff BE DIRECTED to REPORT BACK to the Public Consultation Task Force in Q4 of 2024 with an overview of how the research panel will complete their selection process, criteria used, complement of residents, etc.
    2. THAT three public hearings (daytime, evening and weekend) in three different locations throughout the city BE ADDED to the public engagement campaign that will inform the updated Community Involvement Framework; and
    3. THAT staff BE DIRECTED to circulate the questionnaire and survey to the Public Consultation Task Force prior to the next meeting for feedback and comment;
  • Item 4.1 AS AMENDED:


There were no resolutions.

There were no Notices of Motion.

The meeting adjourned at 4:21 p.m.