FINANCE COMMITTEEMINUTESWednesday, November 15, 2023 4:30 P.m. - 5:30 P.m.Council Chambers, Brantford City Hall58 Dalhousie Street, BrantfordPresent:Mayor Davis, Councillor Sullivan, Councillor Caputo, Councillor Martin, Councillor Hunt, and Councillor VanTilborg Regrets:Councillor Sicoli, Councillor Sless, Councillor McCreary, Councillor Carpenter, and Councillor Samwell 1.ROLL CALL 2.DECLARATIONS OF CONFLICTS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of conflicts of interest noted.3.SEPARATION OF ITEMS FOR BUDGET REPORTS, ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION AND CONSENT ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES Moved byCouncillor SullivanSeconded byCouncillor HuntTHAT all items for consideration/consent (5.1-5.3) not separated for discussion purposes BE APPROVED.YES: (5)Mayor Davis, Councillor VanTilborg, Councillor Martin, Councillor Hunt, and Councillor SullivanCARRIED (5 to 0)4.DELEGATIONS/PRESENTATIONS 4.1DELEGATIONS [list, if any, available at the meeting] 4.2PRESENTATIONS Tareq El-Ahmed, Chief Financial Officer appeared before Committee and presented a powerpoint slideshow, a copy of which has been placed in the file. Tareq El-Ahmed and Chief Davis responded to various questions of Committee.4.2.1Tareq El-Ahmed, Chief Financial Officer, Brantford Police Service Re: 2023 Variance Report 5.BUDGET REPORTS/ ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION/ CONSENT 5.1BUDGET REPORTS 5.2ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION Moved byCouncillor SullivanSeconded byCouncillor VanTilborgTHAT all items for consideration/consent (5.1-5.3) separated for discussion purposes BE APPROVED.5.2.12023 Variance Update to Include the Brantford Police Service [Financial Impact – $1.74 million deficit], 2023-674 1.2023 Variance Report Update to Include the Brantford Police Service - 2023-674.pdf2.Appendix A - BPS Operating Actual to Budget Report.pdf THAT report 2023-674 titled 2023 Variance Update to Include the Brantford Police Service BE RECEIVED; and THAT staff BE DIRECTED to earmark an additional $1.74 million from the Corporate Contingency Reserve (RF0554) in the event it is needed to address the forecasted deficit being projected by the Brantford Police Service for 2023. Moved byCouncillor CaputoSeconded byMayor DavisTHAT report 2023-613 BE DEFERRED for one meeting cycle (dec 13)YES: (5)Mayor Davis, Councillor VanTilborg, Councillor Martin, Councillor Hunt, and Councillor CaputoCARRIED (5 to 0)5.2.2Update on Capital Projects [Financial Impact – Net $4,400,407 returned to reserves], 2023-613 1.Update on Capital Projects - 2023-613.pdf2.Appendix A - 2023 Completed Projects as of September.pdf3.Appendix B - Capital Projects closed with no spending.pdfCaputo - 4:41 arrived THAT report 2023-613 entitled Update on Capital Projects BE RECEIVED; and THAT the capital project funding allocations included in Table-1 of Section 10 BE APPROVED. YES: (5)Mayor Davis, Councillor VanTilborg, Councillor Martin, Councillor Hunt, and Councillor SullivanCARRIED (5 to 0)5.2.3Update to Finance Policies [Financial Impact – None], 2023-402 1.Update to Finance Policies - 2023-402.pdf2.Appendix A - Finance 004 - Investment Policy.pdf3.Appendix B - Finance-006 Lease Financing Policy.pdf4.Appendix C - Finance 007 - Commodity Price Hedging Policy.pdf5.Appendix D - Finance 013 - Development Charges Interest Policy.pdf THAT report 2023-402, Update to Finance Policies, BE RECEIVED; and THAT the necessary by-law to amend by-law 70-2010, Being a Bylaw to adopt various policies of the City of Brantford and to create a Corporate Policy Manual BE PRESENTED to City council for adoption by repealing and replacing the following policies: Finance Policy 004 – Investment Policy; Finance Policy 006 – Lease Financing Policy; Finance Policy 007 – Commodity Price Hedging; Finance Policy 013 – Development Charge Interest Policy. 5.3CONSENT ITEMS 5.3.13rd Quarter Casino Update [Financial Impact -$1,391,238 revenue], 2023-652 1.3rd Quarter Casino Update - 2023-652.pdfTHAT report 2023-652 titled 3rd Quarter Casino Update BE RECEIVED.5.3.2MINUTES Committee - September 13, 2023 FINANCE MINUTES.pdf6.RESOLUTIONS 7.NOTICES OF MOTION 8.ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5:41 p.m.No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.2023 Variance Report Update to Include the Brantford Police Service - 2023-674.pdf2.Appendix A - BPS Operating Actual to Budget Report.pdf1.3rd Quarter Casino Update - 2023-652.pdf1.Update on Capital Projects - 2023-613.pdf2.Appendix A - 2023 Completed Projects as of September.pdf3.Appendix B - Capital Projects closed with no spending.pdf1.Update to Finance Policies - 2023-402.pdf2.Appendix A - Finance 004 - Investment Policy.pdf3.Appendix B - Finance-006 Lease Financing Policy.pdf4.Appendix C - Finance 007 - Commodity Price Hedging Policy.pdf5.Appendix D - Finance 013 - Development Charges Interest Policy.pdf1.09.23.23 FINANCE MINUTES.pdf