Council Chambers, Brantford City Hall
58 Dalhousie Street, Brantford

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    1. THAT Report No. 2023-82 City Tree Protection & Maintenance Practices BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT a By-law to regulate the planting, maintenance, protection, and preservation of City trees, attached as “Appendix A” BE APPROVED; and
    3. THAT the following By-laws BE PRESENTED to City Council for adoption with an effective date of May 1, 2023:
      1. By-law to repeal Chapter 322 of the City of Brantford’s Municipal Code and adopt the City Tree Protection By-law
      2. By-law to amend Schedule 1 to By-law 30-2023, being a By-law to Fix Fees and Charges to be collected by The Corporation of the City of Brantford to include a revised fee for tree removal and replacement.
    1. THAT Report 2022-191, titled “Ava Road Bridge Rehabilitation Update” BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT the full road closure of the Paris Road between Terrace Hill St. and Brant Ave to complete the Ava Road Bridge Rehabilitation work (2023/2024 construction) BE ENDORSED; and
    3. THAT an increase in the amount of $3.2 million to the capital budget for Ava Bridge (CNR) – OSIM 102 Bridge Rehabilitation Program and Intersection Improvements project (BR1805) BE FUNDED as follows:
      1. $1,000,000 from the OCIF Reserve Fund (RF0448); and
      2. $1,980,000 from the Roads and Related Reserve (RF0537); and
      3. $220,00 from the Water and Related Reserve Funds (RF0542).
    1. THAT report no. 2023-3 regarding “Housekeeping – Traffic and Parking Control By-laws” BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT Traffic by-law 37-83; being a by-law to regulated Traffic in the City of Brantford BE AMENDED; and
    3. THAT Parking by-law 144-88, being a by-law to regulate parking in the City of Brantford BE AMENDED; and
    4. THAT the necessary by-laws BE PRESENTED to City Council for adoption.
    1. THAT report no. 2023-4 regarding “Operational Services Policy Amendments” BE RECEIVED, and
    2. THAT the following Public Works policies BE AMENDED as attached in Appendix “A” through Appendix “H”:
      1. 008 – Traffic Calming;
      2. 009 – All-way Stop Control – Warrants;
      3. 010 – Pedestrian Priority Signals;
      4. 011 – Traffic Signals – Minimum Warrants for Installation;
      5. 017 – Guidelines for Establishing Posted Speed Limits;
      6. 019 – Speed Watch Program;
      7. 021 – Amending On-street Parking Regulations; and
      8. 023 – Right-of-Way Activity.
    3. THAT the necessary by-law to amend By-law 70-2010, being a by-law to adopt various City of Brantford policies, BE PRESENTED to City Council for adoption.
    1. THAT Report 2023-179 titled “Standardization of Traffic Services Equipment and Parts” BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT the non-competitive procurement of the products and services in the Approved Standardization of Traffic Services Equipment and Parts (Appendix A) BE APPROVED for a period of five years from original equipment manufacturers, territorial licensed distributors and service providers, pursuant to Section 4.02(a, e and c) of the Purchasing Policy; and
    3. THAT the General Manager of Public Works or designate BE DIRECTED to update the approved Standardization of Traffic Services Equipment and Parts (Appendix A) annually as acceptable to the General Manager of Public Works and the Purchasing Officer.
    1. 2021 Collision Statistics [Financial Impact-None], 2023-206
      THAT Report 2023-206 regarding “2021 Collision Statistics”, BE RECEIVED.
    2. Community Safety Zone Policy [Financial Impact – None], 2023-5
      1. THAT report 2023-5 regarding “Community Safety Zone Policy” BE RECEIVED; and
      2. THAT the necessary by-law to amend By-Law 70-2010 to adopt new Public Works 026- Community Safety Zone policy attached as Appendix “A” to report 2023-5 BE PRESENTED to City Council for adoption; and
      3. THAT Community Safety Zones BE APPROVED in the 10 Risk Evaluation Warrant Zones and in the 16 School Zones as listed in the analysis section of this report; and
      4. THAT the necessary by-laws, attached as Appendix “B”, for the proposed Community Safety Zones BE PRESENTED to City Council for adoption.
    3. The Strand Avenue – On-street Parking Amendment [Financial Impact – None], 2023-147
      1. THAT report no. 2023-147 regarding “The Strand Avenue – On-Street Parking Amendment” BE RECEIVED; and
      2. THAT parking amendments for The Strand Avenue BE DEFERRED until such time that staff are able to provide a report back on the parking conditions after construction at Amber Lea Place on St. Paul Avenue has been completed.
    1. THAT report no. 2023-166 Potential Alternative Sites for a Community Garden Greenhouse BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT staff BE DIRECTED to incorporate a community garden and greenhouse into the redevelopment of Woodman Park currently planned for construction in 2023; and
    3. THAT the incremental cost of $400,000 including contingency for procuring and installing the greenhouse, community garden beds and associated amenities BE FUNDED from the Canada Community Building Fund Reserve Fund (RF0446); and
    4. THAT the General Manager, Public Works Commission and Manager of Purchasing BE AUTHORIZED to award and execute any contracts and amendments as required for this community garden and greenhouse; and
    5. THAT the Manager of Real Estate BE AUTHORIZED to implement a renewable 5-year lease agreement for use of the greenhouse and community garden site by Equal Grounds Community Gardens at a nominal annual lease rate; and
    6. THAT the necessary By-laws BE PRESENTED to City Council for Adoption.
    1. THAT Report No. 2023-175 titled “2022 Annual Summary Report for the City of Brantford Water System” BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT the Clerk BE DIRECTED to forward this Report (No. 2023-175) to The Corporation of the County of Brant.
  • THAT Report 2023-122 titled “Wastewater Operations – 2022 Annual Summary Report”, BE RECEIVED.

  • WHEREAS the City of Brantford’s 2018 Parks and Recreation Master Plan recommends the development of additional splash pads in City parks, both smaller neighbourhood/community facilities within short walking distances for neighbourhoods with many young children and larger drive-to destination facilities in larger multi-use parks; and

    WHEREAS splash pads can provide relief for residents during the summer season and specifically when there are heat warnings; and

    WHEREAS splash pads are located at 70 Anderson Road, Bridle Path Park, Harmony Square, Mohawk Park, and Tutela Park noting that not all Wards currently have splash pads;

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT staff investigate appropriate and accessible locations for neighbourhood Splash Pads in all Wards and REPORT BACK in Q2 2023 on potential locations that can be added to the 2024 Capital Budget.

  • WHEREAS on February 7th, 2023 the City of Brantford Council  approved Report 2023-58 Term Sheet for OHL Team Agreement for Brantford Civic Centre; and

    WHEREAS the Term Sheet between the City of Brantford and The Bulldogs Hockey Club states that the City of Brantford is to consider throughout the term a future development of a new sports and entertainment facility capable of seating 5,000 spectators for Hockey Games and capable of being a home arena for an O.H.L. franchise; and

    WHEREAS there has been tremendous positive community support to host an O.H.L. team through the sale of nearly 2,400 season memberships for the Brantford Bulldogs;


    1. THAT Staff BE DIRECTED to develop a plan that includes a recommended location, cost estimates including capital and operating, a financing plan, and delivery timelines of a new sports and entertainment facility for the City of Brantford and REPORT BACK no later than December 31st 2023; and
    2. THAT Staff BE DIRECTED to engage and retain appropriate professional services, including external sport facility consultant(s), to create the plan referenced in Clause A and to fund these costs, estimated to be $200,000, from the Casino Legacy Reserve RF0555.   
  • WHEREAS City of Brantford Public Works staff perform an exemplary function in clearing snow and ice from municipal roadways in a timely and efficient manner; and

    WHEREAS City of Brantford Public Works staff also perform an exemplary function in clearing snow and ice from some municipal sidewalks and some multi-use trails; and

    WHEREAS removal of snow and ice from privately owned sidewalks remains the responsibility of the property owner; and

    WHEREAS many privately owned sidewalks and city administered walking surfaces lack adequate winter maintenance to provide safe and efficient passage for the public; and

    WHEREAS several Ontario comparator communities provide winter maintenance to sidewalks and trails; and

    WHEREAS constituents often voice concerns about the unsafe conditions of walking surfaces and often reference the inclusion of sidewalk snow clearing as a municipal service in other communities;

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT staff BE DIRECTED to provide a report to council to be received no later than 31 August 2023 which will contain at a minimum:

    1. Options for snow and ice clearing on a variety of walking surfaces including sidewalks, multi-use trails, park trails and other walking surfaces; 
    2. Costing for options considered above;
    3. A public engagement campaign to gauge public interest.
  • WHEREAS efficiencies of the Brantford Police Service is to support a stratified approach to public safety; and

    WHEREAS currently the By-law Enforcement Officers do not have the grounds to tow an illegally parked vehicle  under Bylaw Number 144-88; and

    WHEREAS currently the By-law Enforcement Officers must call the Brantford Police Service to tow away said vehicle resulting in two resources from two different entities of the municipality being at the said call; and

    WHEREAS this process results in a duplication of work and is not efficient in our stratified approach to public safety;


    1. THAT City Staff BE DIRECTED to bring forward a amendment to the Bylaw 144-88 Section 24(6) which will include wording to allow for By-law Enforcement Officers to have designated authority to tow illegally parked vehicles; and
    2. THAT staff DEVELOP a Standard Operating Procedure that defines exigent circumstances that would require an immediate removal of a vehicle and a communicated non-exigent tow procedure.
  • WHEREAS City Council, at their meeting October 4, 2022, directed staff to arrange a public meeting to review traffic calming options for Ava Road; and

    WHEREAS a public meeting was held February 23, 2023 to present traffic calming options and determine the preferred traffic calming measures to address speeding and cut-through traffic concerns on Ava Road.


    1. THAT staff BE DIRECTED to construct raised crosswalks and Pedestrian Crossovers on Ava Road at Stymie Boulevard, Oakley Road, Gaywood Gardens and at the Glenhyrst Gallery, to provide a designated safe crossing point for vulnerable road users and to slow down motorists; and
    2. THAT staff BE DIRECTED to construct a Pedestrian Crossover on Ava Road at Scarfe Gardens to provide an additional designated safe crossing point for vulnerable road users; and
    3. THAT staff BE DIRECTED to construct a raised median island on Ava Road at Hardy Road to reduce vehicle speeds entering Ava Road and provide a traffic calming entry feature to the neighbourhood; and
    4. THAT funding not to exceed $120,000 BE PROVIDED from the Roads & Related Reserve (RF0537) fund to be completed in 2023; and
    5. THAT the necessary by-law BE PRESENTED to City Council for adoption.
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