Council Chambers, Brantford City Hall
58 Dalhousie Street, Brantford

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RE: Item 7.1.1 -  Increasing Nitrate Levels in the Grand River [No Financial Impact], 2025-18

  • THAT Report No. 2025-18 titled “Increasing Nitrate Levels in the Grand River” BE RECEIVED.

    1. THAT Report 2025-2, titled “Designation of 53 Charlotte Street under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act and Adoption of Alternative Notice Policy”, BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT a Notice of Intention to Designate 53 Charlotte Street as a property of cultural heritage value or interest BE ISSUED in accordance with the requirements of the Ontario Heritage Act; and
    3. THAT Staff BE DIRECTED to follow the process set out in the Ontario Heritage Act, summarized in Section 9.4 of Report 2025-2, with respect to the designation of 53 Charlotte Street as a property of cultural heritage value or interest; and
    4. THAT the necessary by-law to amend Chapter 15 (Procedure) of the City of Brantford Municipal Code and implement an alternative notice policy for Ontario Heritage Act notices as detailed in Report 2025-2 BE PRESENTED to Council for approval.
    1. THAT Report 2025-4, titled “Animal Care Facility Project Update” BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT an increase in the amount of $800,000 to the capital budget for the Animal Care Facility Project (CL1701) BE APPROVED, and:
    3. THAT the following funding allocations required for the Animal Care Facility Project BE APPROVED;
      1. $700,000 for capital project Replace Aerial Truck #107420 (FD2404) be amended from the Capital Funding Envelope Reserve (RF0556) to Canada Community Benefit Fund Reserve Fund (RF0446); and
      2. $800,000 for Animal Care Facility Project (CL1701) BE FUNDED from the Capital Funding Envelope (RF0556).
    1. THAT Report 2025-14 regarding MAT Administration Policy BE RECEIVED; and
    2. THAT the MAT Administration Policy BE PRESENTED to the Brantford Tourism Development Corporation for consideration for adoption; and
    3. THAT Corporate Policy–056 – “MAT Administration Policy” attached as Appendix “A” BE APPROVED; and
    4. THAT the necessary By-law to amend By-law 70-2010, being a Bylaw to adopt various policies of the City of Brantford and to create a Corporate Policy Manual, by adding Corporate Policy–056 – MAT Administration Policy, attached as Appendix “A”, BE PRESENTED to City Council for adoption.
    1. THAT Report 2024-704 titled December 2024 Real Estate and Facilities Report BE RECEIVED by the Brantford Airport Board as information and provide any feedback to be considered for the Recommendation Report to the Committee of the Whole – Operations; and
    2. THAT staff BE DIRECTED to obtain estimates for the following items:
      1. Item 3.2 - Main Runway Lighting - contained in the Appendix B, The CYFD Brantford - Capital Needs; and
      2. Item 3.3 - Approach Guidance Lighting for Runway 23 - contained in the Appendix B, The CYFD Brantford - Capital Needs; and
      3. The installation of an Automatic Weather Observation System (AWOS); and
    3. THAT Staff REPORT BACK to the Brantford Airport Board with cost estimates to consider drafting a proposal to the County of Brant, requesting that they contribute to the cost.
  • WHEREAS the City of Brantford offers an annual Property Tax Rebate program for eligible registered charities occupying commercial or industrial property; and

    WHEREAS the rebate for eligible registered charities is set at 40% of the annual property taxes on property it occupies; and

    WHEREAS an eligible Registered Charity must submit a Property Tax Rebate Application annually no earlier than January 1st of the tax year and no later than the last day of February of the year following the taxation year to be considered for the rebate; and

    WHEREAS the Brant United Way is a Registered Charity occupying commercial property in the City of Brantford; and

    WHEREAS the Brant United Way has not submitted an application for the Property Tax Rebate since the 2019 tax year; and

    WHEREAS the Brant United Way intends to apply for the rebate for the 2024 tax year prior to the February 28, 2025 deadline.

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Brant United Way BE REIMBURSED the amount of $9,902.67, representing retroactive charity rebates for the years 2020 to 2023.

  • WHEREAS The Council of the Corporation of the City of Brantford during each term of council or from time to time conducts reviews of Municipal Code Chapters bearing upon procedures and code of conduct; and

    WHEREAS Chapter 16 of the municipal code was last reviewed in 2020; and

    WHEREAS the integrity commissioner submitted his report on 25 November regarding the Code of Conduct violation of Councillor Richard Carpenter; and

    WHEREAS the I/C recommended that not only a penalty be imposed on Councillor Carpenter but also that “amendments be made to the Code of Conduct to provide greater clarity to members”;


    1. THAT a task force be created with a mandate to review Brantford Municipal Code Chapter 16 – Code of conduct for members of the Council of the Corporation of the City of Brantford and of its Local Boards; and
    2. THAT the task force will be comprised of three members: those being Mayor Kevin Davis and two additional members of council to be named by Mayor Davis; and
    3. THAT the task force will be supported by clerks staff and utilize the resources of the integrity commissioner; and
    4. THAT the task force will present its final report to City Council on or before 27 May 2025.
  • WHEREAS City Council in December 2014 approved that an honorarium shall be paid to the members of the City of Brantford's Committee of Adjustment in the amounts listed below:

    • $70 per meeting for the Chair,
    • $50 per meeting for all other members; and

    WHEREAS a review of this Honorarium has not occurred since its inception in 2014.


    1. THAT staff BE DIRECTED to survey surrounding municipalities on the honorariums paid to their Committee of Adjustment members and bring back a report to the appropriate Committee of the Whole meeting with their findings and recommendations relating to an appropriate honorarium for the Committee members; and
    2. THAT the Honorarium By-law BE UPDATED to reflect the Honorarium Rates paid to Committee of Adjustment members.